
Reports of Yammer's Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Is Microsoft killing its enterprise social networking tool or is it adapting it to a changing landscape?

How To Use PowerShell To Manage System Services

Being able to call up specific variables is key in narrowing down a large data set.

Is Office 365 Overshadowing SharePoint?

While Microsoft has been talking up Office 365 much more than SharePoint, both services have integral roles in the company's cloud strategy.

How To Create a For Each Loop in PowerShell

Manage and display specific services with this cmdlet.

Office 365 and Edge: What is Microsoft's End Game?

Here's a speculative look on how Microsoft's new browser plays into its Office 365 strategy.

Group Policy Fundamentals in Active Directory

Here's a breakdown and explanation of the multiple types of Group Policy.

Microsoft Giveth and then Taketh Away

Redmond's new Windows Insider columnist discusses Microsoft's latest move to alter OneDrive storage limits.

How To Expand Your Virtual Machine's Storage Capacity

While the process is somewhat similar when expanding physical capacity, there are a few differences to be aware of.

2016 Predictions: Microsoft Will Make Fewer but Bigger Bets

While Microsoft may not be quite as busy this year as they were in 2015, the impact of its moves should still make it a memorable year.

My Tech Predictions for 2016

Based on how Microsoft has been rolling lately, it wouldn't surprise me to see any of these predictions come to fruition over the next year.

My Tech Predictions for 2015 Revisited

Brien bats .500 on his Microsoft predictions for the year.

How To Prepare a Hyper-V VM To Run on Microsoft Azure

Missing a step could cause data to disappear.

Strategies for Expanding Storage on Hyper-V Replica Servers

Here's how to get back up and running in minimal time when increasing storage space.

Managing Active Directory with PowerShell Cmdlets

Here's a breakdown of some helpful cmdlets to get you up and running.

Putting Excel 3D Maps To Work on the Family Farm

Can Microsoft's 3D mapping feature in Excel 2016 hold up in the real world?

Office 365: The Cloud of Choice for Exchange Server?

For those who can't decide whether to host their Exchange Server in Azure or Office 365, here are some considerations to factor in.

Red Hat Sets up Shop in Redmond

The two will work in close proximity to streamline customer support.

Breaking Down Server Roles in Active Directory

Here's how to apply a server role, along with a brief description of the multiple roles that can be chosen.

How To Limit Hyper-V Virtual Machine CPU Consumption

Many approaches taken with physical hardware can work here as well.

5 Ways Nadella Reshaped Microsoft in 2015

It was another year of pivots and strategy shifts in Redmond, one where the stamp of Microsoft's third CEO, Satya Nadella has clearly taken hold.

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