
Using Office 365 To Get a Handle on Spam

While Office 365 does a good job at blocking most incoming spam e-mails, improvements can be made by users to increase its efficiency.

Demands of IoT, Quantum and Cognitive Workloads Drive IBM's Cloud Datacenter Expansion

The company is not only expanding its datacenters to meet growing individual demand, but to meet the computing burden of new and emerging technologies.

Modern Windows Apps Are Microsoft’s Achilles' Heel

As we approach the fifth anniversary of the Windows Store, Microsoft's modern app approach has just not paid off.

How To Patch Nano Server, Part 2: Patching Multiple Servers

By modifying Microsoft's provided Powershell patching code, applying updates to multiple Nano Servers can be simplified.

Does Everyone Still Need Windows?

Microsoft is approaching an interesting and potentially difficult inflection point with Windows.

How To Set Up Windows To Go

Microsoft's s secure option for accessing your desktop when working remotely only takes a few minutes (and a 32GB flash drive) to get up and running.

RIP Internet Privacy

With the rollback of FCC regulations, ISPs can now do what they want with your information.

Get New Microsoft Office 365 Features Even More Quickly

If you're unable to join the Office Insider program due to the version of Office 365 you are on, there's another option for being one of the first to get the latest Office updates.

How To Patch Nano Server, Part 1: Choosing the Correct Path

While there are many methods for applying patches, going through PowerShell is the most straightforward way to get the job done.

Microsoft Teams: Angst and Opportunity

While millennials in the workforce should flock to the new service, raised governance issues might sink it in the end.

The Wide Demographic Reach of Microsoft’s Billions

If you ask people who aren’t IT pros what they know about Microsoft, they’ll probably start by mentioning Windows.

Microsoft Readies Next Phase of Its Convo-as-a-Service Plan

When Microsoft introduced its bot platform and started talking up "Conversation as a Service" last year at Build, it was the birth of the company’s bot-mania.

Is It Time for a Microsoft Office 365 Super Client?

With so many different tools and apps falling under the Office 365 umbrella, Microsoft's next step should be unifying them under one pane of glass.

Why You Might Not Be Getting the Latest Office 365 Updates

If you're in Office 365's Deferred Channel, added features won't arrive on release. Here's how to change that.

Facebook To Refresh Its Servers, Contribute Blueprints to the Open Compute Project

The company is spearheading an industry wide initiative tasked with the development of the datacenter of the future.

What Microsoft's Office 365 Subscription Numbers Really Mean

From the stigma of subscription services to the growth of free online alternatives, the decline in new customers coming to Office 365 in 2016 has many possible explanations.

Is Social Engineering the New Alternative to Ransomware?

As we increase our defenses against ransomware, attackers are shifting their scamming methods.

Microsoft and LinkedIn: What’s Next?

The $26.2 billion purchase of LinkedIn is by far Microsoft’s largest acquisition ever. Yet it remains to be seen what they’ll deliver as a single company.

Universal Windows Platform's Big Opportunity Is Here

As Microsoft readies next month’s expected release of the Windows 10 Creators Update, the company is hoping its effort to make it more visual, immersive and interactive than anything available brings newfound demand for the OS.

4 Strategies To Stay Ahead of Microsoft’s New Timeline

With major updates for Windows 10 coming at an accelerated rate, IT will have to adjust how they stay on top of keeping systems current.

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