
ERD to the Rescue

Despite the common thought that the Emergency Repair Disk utility is MIA in Win2K, this backup tool is alive and well — and ready to save the day.

Behind Relational Databases

You've worked with SQL Server, but what's working behind the scenes? This new series delves into the processes happening on the back end.

The Road to the Top

Reaching your career goals requires not only dedication but continuing education.

Active Directory Data: Guarding the Family Jewels

Now that you know what Active Directory is — and how vital it is — what are you doing to keep it safe?

Top 10 Reasons to Implement Windows 2000 Now!

Almost a year later and Windows 2000 has stood the test of time. So, what's stopping you from implementing it? Here's why you shouldn't wait much longer.

Network Monitor to the Rescue

Get help troubleshooting and fine-tuning performance on your Win2K systems with this handy tool.

Words of Wisdom

This month, Greg and Steve share with you some books they hold near and dear to their hearts—personally, as well as professionally.

Test Yourself

Self Test’s Win2K practice exams are solid, though improving technical explanations and implementing a 32-bit testing engine wouldn’t hurt.

Business Sense

Active Directory warrants a melding of technical and business skills.

Take It Offline

When network connections are unavailable, Windows 2000’s Offline Files can keep you going.

The Gift of Group Policy

Santa Gates has a special toy from the land of Windows 2000. Question is, how does it work?

Password Workout

Flex your analytical muscle with a little XOR-cise.

Mobile Endeavor

If you think low-cost laptops mitigate the need for handheld PCs, think again.

Back in Your Court

A decision in the antitrust case keeps us all in limbo.

Good Move

Test takers have noticed: training materials don't quite track with exam content. Now, Microsoft has taken steps to correct that discrepancy.

Inter.NET Initiative

.NET acknowledges that the Internet is now the application platform environment. And Windows? Just a significant port in the storm.

Win2K Exams

MeasureUp’s Win2K practice exams are technically accurate, but do the questions focus on too much detail?


What really happens when Microsoft diversifies.

The Network Protector

Microsoft’s Internet Security and Acceleration Server performs proxy and firewall services. This briefing educates you on its firewall capabilities.

Change in Time

Mandatory password expirations should apply to everyone, even the network administrator.

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