
Nepotism Annoyance

Good communication with fellow employees is key to getting work done; in this situation, it's the key to remaining employed.

10-Dot Subnetting

A back-to-basics look at subnetting.

Security, List By List

Security checklists are valuable—but only if you use them. Follow along on Microsoft’s list and harden a server.

Will You Strike It Rich?

A review of CBT Nuggets' video-based MCSE training.

Getting Carded

Smart cards can dramatically enhance your organization’s security. Here’s what you need to know.

The Diversification Dilemma

Is it better to specialize or be a jack-of-all-trades?

Get Active

Hate it or hate it more, product activation is a necessary evil in the XP world. Here’s how to ease the pain.

Certified Mail: September 2002

Influencers who want bigger decision-making responsibilities, smart cards that are only as smart as the implementers, and a lucky find.

Fake Out

A controlled security challenge still provides valuable lessons.

Does It Have To Be This Hard?

In which Auntie rails at the sorry state of software—and what we can do about it.

How Many Microsofts?

Maybe they already broke up the company and we didn’t notice.

Getting Beyond the Subnet

Moving beyond static IP addresses makes our intrepid script router-friendly and takes you to the great outdoors.

Right Path, Going Nowhere

A reader who "followed the rules" is still having a tough time finding a job.

How To Be a Security Babe

If you want to do IT security because it’s “hot” right now, or because you think that’s where the money is, forget it. If you truly love the field, read on.

Simplify Resource Navigation With Dfs

The Distributed file system (Dfs), when properly implemented, can help your users get where they want to go. But its usefulness doesn’t stop there.

Certified Mail: August 2002

"Windowsville" residents chime in on the "which OS is more secure" argument; readers debate Microsoft's longevity.

Income Conundrum

Sometimes you really have to ponder the meaning behind the numbers.

Threats from the Trenches

You're no security expert, but you should keep an eye on your perimeter network. Implementing intrusion detection and antivirus measures can help.

Whom Do You Trust?

Active Directory’s trust model makes administration easier than NT, but also introduces the potential to do more damage. Make sure your administrators are trustworthy.

The 64-Bit Question

Itanium servers, which utilize 64-bit architecture, are ready for the datacenter. This guide can help you decide whether your company should consider adding these high-muscle machines.

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