
Protect Your PDAs, PDQ!

You know about security for networks and laptops. But what about security for hand-helds? What? You don't have a plan?

Certified Mail: February 2003

Scripting tools; upgrading to .NET; .NET by any other name.

Of Profit and Pickles

OK, so maybe Licensing 6.0 wasn't such a stupid idea after all.

Frag Out!

When it comes to sluggish hard drives, this handy script will help keep you moving.

Installation With RIS

In the last of his two-part series on Windows 2000 Server installations, Bill tackles the complexities of Remote Installation Services.

Anti-Virus Annulment

Spear those dead, useless registry keys and values with Reg.exe after a Norton Antivirus failure.

Palladium: Blessing or Curse?

Microsoft is touting its next-generation secure computing infrastructure as a giant leap for mankind. Not everyone agrees.

Personnel Problems

Job termination may seem like the end of the world, but it's not. To get you back on track, step back and assess what went wrong.


What better way to kick off a new year than with a cool new tool?

Chill, People

Is Microsoft making the right decisions with its cert program in regards to .NET? Well, consider how other companies change their exams to address a significant technology shift.

7 Things to Like About Microsoft

In which Ms. Pea takes a break from Redmond-bashing.

Peer into the Portal

Now that you have an idea what SharePoint Portal Server can do, here's how to implement it and get users into collaboration mode.

Certified Mail: Jan. 2003

DBA vs. programmer; thumbs down on the new look; one-page résumés.

Getting Thin

Wyse Winterm can help you shed those extra pounds.

Installation Automation

Installing a server is usually boring and time-consuming. Using scripts may not alleviate the boredom, but it will free you up for more interesting tasks.

December 2002

Fashion plate; reading the fine print; demystifying printing for users.

A Practical Approach

Getting the job done often means accomplishing what you can within the constraints of real-world resources and budgets.

What’s in a name?

If Redmond maintains the trend, rest assured you'll know what to call "Longhorn."

Cross Collaboration

Setting up a common area for sharing resources is easy. Here's how to do it with SharePoint Portal Server.

A Few of My Favorite Things

So many security toys, so little time.

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