
Be the Exchange Server

By trying to think like an Exchange Server, you can learn the ins and outs of the SMTP protocol.

Giving Them the (Small) Business

Microsoft's Small Business Server 2003 is a big leap forward for security.

He Shoots, He Scores

How we're being tested—now and in the future.

Weighty Decision in an Exchange/Windows Upgrade

Upgrading from Windows NT 4.0/Exchange 5.5 to Windows Server 2003/Exchange 2003? Simplify your decisionmaking and choose the ADC method.

Exchange in a Windows World

A few facts about installing Exchange 2003 under older Windows versions.

Local Admin Rights, Right or Wrong

Based on your feedback, the issue of local admin rights isn't cut and dried.

Bad Mail Black Hole

It'll take some careful investigation to figure out why bad mail on your Exchange server is eating up disk space.

Controlling Network Connections

Stepping outside of the box is a good thing.

It’s Still Not Done

What to do about the ongoing to-do list.

Fine-Tuning Active Directory Access

Controlling who gets access to what in Active Directory means digging into the depths of AD. So grab a shovel and come along.

Power Up Offline Files

A feature for mobile users.

Cross Certification Trusts

Windows Server 2003 provides a way to implement trusts among Certification Authority hierarchies selectively. Here’s how it works.

Did You Hear the One…

Sometimes things are not what they appear.

Keys to the Kingdom

Is giving a local user admin rights any way to run a network?

Automating User Mailbox Creation

The trick to creating Exchange 2000 user mailboxes via scripting is in the CDOEXM libraries.

Local Control

Provide users with local admin access via this nifty script.

Rally 'Round the Server Roles

Nagging doubts about which domain controller is the RID Master.

Script Sampling

A reader needs a dynamic, graphical count of network traffic and wants to use scripting to do it. Bill points to a few sources for understanding scripting.

October 2003

Getting Licensed; Security Calamity; Salary Stories

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