
Trace Code With .NET

Build a .NET Framework based class library that makes tracing a true asset to your development experience.

Delegating Rights

You can give ordinary users NT and WMI administrative rights for routine tasks—to a degree.

Keep Data Consistent With Transactions

Employ the manual and automatic transaction models supported by the .NET Framework to maintain consistent data in your applications.

Welcome to Multiple Version Hell

DLL Hell is largely a thing of the past with VS.NET and the .NET Framework. But having multiple versions of the same components can be trying in its own right.

The Hidden Risks of Process Controls

These networks aren’t well known by many, yet they’re responsible for controlling much in our lives. And they’re not very secure.

Analyze Your Baseline Security

MBSA offers much more than updates to your network.

Offshoring Stirs Reader Passions

Readers respond en masse to a recent Editor's Note on offshoring with a mixture of acceptance at its inevitability and outrage at the companies sending jobs overseas.

Inside Windows XP SP2 Security Enhancements

Control of external connections made easier through Windows Firewall.

Optimizing Exchange Memory Usage

How Exchange 2000 is like your two-year-old.

Troubleshooting Tips: Get to Know FRS

Healthy FRS means healthy Group Policy.

Knock, Knock, But No One's Home

Quick way to check out why a Web page isn't responsive.

Seriously, Least Access

Run legacy apps without hitting the security barrier.

Server Coexistence

Who gave this reader the silly idea that Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 can't live within the same domain?

Trustworthy Computing Isn't Just for Microsoft

It takes two to make the security world go round.

The Island Effect

Reader has trouble with DCs looking within when doing DNS lookups.

Using RPC Over HTTP

Specifics help build security.

Security, Security, Security

Ports are a good way in, and often remain unchecked.

Reality Bites

How does outsourcing--or how will it--affect you?

Save the Hobbyist Programmer

The hobbyist/part-time programmer is becoming an endangered species. However, we as an industry need the skills this person provides.

14 Reasons To Reconsider Software Restrictions

Software Restriction Policies is a terrific new security tool—if you know what it can’t do, as well as what it can.

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