Cloud Computing

Microsoft's Hybrid Cloud Strategy

Microsoft is building a stronger bridge between Windows Server and Microsoft Azure, but it'll also manage AWS, VMware and OpenStack infrastructure and services.

Azure Key Vault Service Now Commercially Available

Microsoft turned on its Azure Key Vault service this week for commercial use.

Microsoft Releases Azure Active Directory Connect and Health Tools

Microsoft commercially released its Azure Active Directory Connect tool today.

VMware Targets Azure Active Directory with New SSO Service

Looking to fill a key hole in its infrastructure and mobility management stack, VMware on Monday became the latest major IT infrastructure player to launch a single sign-on SSO offering.

Azure Active Directory Connect Arriving This Month

Microsoft plans to release Azure Active Directory Connect commercially in "the next week or two."

Report Cites Security Concerns in Microsoft's BitLocker Disk Encryption

A deep dive into Microsoft's BitLocker full-disk encryption technology was posted by Glenn Greenwald's The Intercept on Thursday.

Microsoft Updates Its StorSimple 8000 Hybrid Storage Appliance

Microsoft issued an update today to its StorSimple storage management product.

Microsoft Looks To Bring Social Back to SharePoint with Office Graph

Within the last two years, Microsoft has gone from laggard to innovator in the enterprise social space but with SharePoint and the Office 365 platform, the company must keep its eyes focused on productivity and demonstrate real business value if it wants to maintain leadership in the enterprise.

Microsoft Planning To Turn On Its Office 365 Clutter Feature in June

Microsoft plans to activate its Clutter e-mail prioritization service for its business-grade Office 365 subscribers, starting next month.

On-Site Data, Off-Site Tools

The latest major change sweeping the IT industry may be a direct result of the cloud craze, which focuses on cloudifying what has been dubbed the control plane -- a new buzzword that intends to separate "the data" from "the tools that manage that data."

Microsoft Announces Threat Analysis Preview and Coming Security Update Changes

Ignite event profiles new security tools and patch approaches.

Microsoft Aiming at $20 Billion Cloud Services Target

Microsoft used its Build event yesterday to entice investors, with lots of numbers to account for its business shift to the cloud.

The SharePoint Big Bang Theory

SharePoint's popularity can be attributed to Microsoft's willingness to change with the times. If it's to survive in the enterprise, it's going to need to continue to evolve in a cloud-based world.

Microsoft Issues Updated Beta of New Identity Manager Product

An updated public "preview" of the forthcoming Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM) product was announced today.

Microsoft Announces New Office 365 Security and Transparency Features

Unveiled at this year's RSA security convention, Customer Lockbox will force any data access by Microsoft to be approved by customers.

Microsoft Rolls Out Azure Premium Storage Service

Microsoft announced various Azure cloud computing improvements this month, with some services hitting "general availability" status, including a storage service.

Microsoft Planning to End Windows Server AppFabric Support Next Year

Microsoft gave notice this month that it plans to end product support for its Windows Server AppFabric 1.1 solution.

Microsoft Offers NoSQL Service with Commercial Release of Azure DocumentDB

Microsoft announced the general availability this week of its Azure DocumentDB service.

Office Online Apps Now Integrated With Dropbox Storage Service

Microsoft's Office Online apps and Dropbox's storage service are now integrated.

Microsoft Cloud Platform System To Get Quarterly Updates

Microsoft's enterprise and service provider customers running the Microsoft Cloud Platform System (CPS) can expect to get software updates automatically on a quarterly basis.

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