
Exchange Support For W2K Datacenter Not There Yet

Despite its certification logo, Exchange 2000 Enterprise Server won't be supported on Windows 2000 Datacenter Server until the first Exchange 2000 service pack ships.

The service pack will include some changes required for Exchange 2000 to support the four-node clustering capability in Windows 2000 Datacenter Server. SP1 for Exchange is due mid-year.

"Several updates were required in support of the four-node clustering. Some of these were involved in Exchange 2000. Others were related to updates to hardware vendors SAN drivers and firmware," a Microsoft spokesman said.

There are four levels of Windows 2000 Certification, and the Windows 2000 Datacenter Server certification logo has the most stringent requirements of all. Vendors must demonstrate the application can pass an extended stress test, will run on a 32-processor server and operates correctly in four-node failover clustering configurations. Vendors must also prove a 24x7 support structure is in place.

Exchange is the second Microsoft application to earn the Datacenter Certification logo, and the second application that had to be modified to pass. SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition passed earlier but needed a patch to get the database application running across 32 processors.

Related articles:
Exchange 2000 Certified for Datacenter Server
SQL Server 2000 First to Pass W2K Datacenter Certification
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About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.


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