
PowerPlan Launches Version 5.4

PowerPlan Corp., a maker of financial analytic and budget management software, launched version 5.4 of its PowerPlan software.

Several new features enhance the new release. Budget information can now be entered 24 months at a time to facilitate multi-year and rolling budgets. New computational operators have been added to permit look back and look forward functionality.

PowerPlan has a drag and drop system of configuration and setup functions that allow users to create customized charts of accounts to meet their exact needs, without programming. The suite of integrated functions supports an organization’s entire financal management cycle.

PowerPlan supports Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and Microsoft Access databases, and runs on Windows 95, 98, and NT.

Contact PowerPlan, (714) 969-5353,

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.


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