
Microsoft Releases SP3 for SQL Server 7.0

Microsoft has released the final version of Service Pack 3 for SQL Server 7.0 and Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) 1.0, this one containing updates for database components and OLAP Services components.

Service Pack 3 contain updates for certain database components, these include, the data engine; database client utilities, such as SQL Server Enterprise Manager; and database client connectivity components, such as the OLE DB provider for SQL Server 7.0 and the ODBC driver. 

In the second part of the Service Pack Microsoft addresses the OLAP Services components. The upgrade will be applicable toward OLAP Services; OLAP client components, such as OLAP Manager, OLE DB Provider for OLAP services; and database client connectivity including, OLE DB Provider for SQL Server, the SQL Server ODBC, and the client Net-Libraries. 

Since each Service Pack is cumulative, SP3 includes all fixes from SP1 and SP2. This most recent Service Pack can be added to a machine that only has the original installation or either of the first two Service Packs installed. The Service Pack is in two downloadable parts and users can apply either one or both for the upgrades.

Microsoft expects this to be the last Service Pack for SQL Server 7.0 since the company will primarily be focused on Web fixes and Service Packs for SQL Server 2000.  Alicia Costanza

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.


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