
New Sunbelt Tool Boosts Exchange Performance

Sunbelt Software’s new AutoPilot 2000 boosts Exchange 2000 Server performance levels.

AutoPilot 2000 maximizes the system’s processing power by automatically detecting and eliminating bottlenecks in the system. AutoPilot monitors performance in critical system areas, such as system bus contention, disk and network I/O contention, memory, cache utilization, and page thrashing. After interpreting the data it collects from these areas, AutoPilot uses fuzzy logic and neural network techniques to make scheduling decisions about the tasks the system executes. The code was originally developed for Cray supercomputers and was ported to Windows NT.

AutoPilot improves performance for quad, 8, 16, and 32 multiprocessor machines.

Contact Sunbelt Software, (888) NT-UTILS,

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.


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