
Unisys Posts New Benchmarks

Unisys got busy benchmarking its Intel architecture systems this week, posting new benchmarks for its 4- and 8-processor Profusion-based servers and 32-processor CMP servers.

The company published results for two standard benchmarks from the Transaction Performance Processing Council (TPC) using its Unisys e-@ction Enterprise Server ES5085 and issued a news release about a proprietary scalability test for its CMP system, the ES7000.

For one of the TPC tests, Unisys loaded an ES5085 with eight 700 MHz Pentium III Xeon processors for the TPC’s OLTP test, called the TPC-C benchmark. Running Windows 2000 Datacenter Server and SQL Server 2000, the system processed 61,390.43 transactions per minute (tpmC) at a cost per transaction of $13.

The tpmC performance represents a 7 percent jump over the previous best in the category, set by Dell. The cost per transaction is the lowest yet in the eight-processor system category.

Unisys used an ES5085 loaded with four processors for a newly published benchmark on the TPC’s TPC-W test for simulating online retail, browsing and business-to-business activity. There, the Unisys system running Windows 2000 Advanced Server and SQL Server 2000 delivered 3,008.1 web interactions per second (WIPS) at a cost per WIPS of $75.29.

Earlier in the week, Unisys announced another unique benchmark for its ES7000 system, which is built on Unisys’ CMP architecture. The CMP server is a relatively new entry to the Intel architecture arena that scales up to 32 processors.

For the test, Unisys used a 32-processor ES7000 running Windows 2000 Datacenter Server and the Synera Intelligent Exploration suite. The system searched 1.4 billion individual records in one-tenth of a second, according to the Unisys release. The demonstration is supposed to recreate a scenario in a commercial point-of-sale environment.

Unisys has also discussed results of a previous test of the ES7000 against an airline reservation system, but has not yet published results on the system of the closely watched TPC-C benchmark. –

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.


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