Managing Your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Data: Retain, Recover, and Be Ransomware-Ready

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the heartbeat of your business, bringing together data and insights to better run day-to-day operations. But as data loss threats continue to trend in the wrong direction, there’s never been a better time to consider third-party data backup.

Join Brian Galicia, Sr Director, Strategic Global ISV Alliances of Microsoft and David Ngo, CTO of Metallic for key considerations on protecting your Dynamics 365 investment.

During this session, they’ll discuss how Microsoft Dynamics 365 is transforming business operations in the cloud and how the newest Metallic SaaS offering, from Commvault, extends native capabilities for purpose-built protection, rapid recovery from attack, and long-term data retention to meet SLA compliance.

Watch now!

About the presenters:

David Ngo, CTO, Metallic

Brian Galicia, Sr Director, Strategic Global ISV Alliances, Microsoft

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