Enterprise Cloud Wars Virtual Summit

Date: Friday, July 17th at 9 a.m. PT / 12 noon ET

Arguably the biggest knock-down, drag-out fight in tech right now is the public cloud. Need evidence? Just look to the recent Amazon, Microsoft battle for the U.S. government's JEDI contract. The stakes were high from a dollar standpoint, but it's also about being strategically positioned as a leader for the ongoing explosion in public cloud spending across sectors worldwide.

What that means for IT departments is a situation of claims and counterclaims from vendors like Microsoft and Amazon, as well as Google, IBM, Oracle and many others, about the relative merits of their public cloud platforms. It's hard to parse.

Enter the Enterprise Cloud Wars Virtual Summit, presented by Redmondmag.com and Virtualization & Cloud Review. Our independent industry experts will give you unvarnished insights on the pros and cons of all the top cloud platforms.

We'll give you frameworks for evaluating your choices on everything from momentum to performance and technical considerations to critical questions of cost to deep insights about the cultural fit of certain cloud platforms to particular corporate or organizational cultures.

The Agenda

9 a.m. PT / Noon ET
Tech Showdown: Azure, AWS or GCP? Which Cloud Platform Works Best for Your Enterprise Services?

10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET
Cost Shootout: Comparing the List Prices, Hidden Costs and Other IT Savings of the Major Public Cloud Platforms

11 a.m. PT /2 p.m. ET
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