Capture Digital Images Quickly

Take a look at the latest VS.NET add-ins, including a component that quickly captures images from scanners and cameras.

Atalasoft DotTwain
Atalasoft DotTwain is a 100-percent managed .NET Windows Form component that quickly captures digital images from scanners, cameras, and other devices supporting TWAIN. It works with a .NET Bitmap object and has no dependencies other than the .NET Framework. It is intended for applications that require no-touch deployment so you can automatically post scanned documents to a Web server. DotTwain supports a vast array of features such as automatic document feeders, a custom scanning interface, and the ability to specify a region of the image to scan. $399.
Phone: 866-568-0129; 413-572-4443

CodeRush for Visual Studio .NET
CodeRush for Visual Studio .NET helps you create more code with fewer keystrokes and extend code templates instantly. CodeRush completes identifiers as you type, and you can expand or contract selections logically. You can instantly place selected code inside Try/Catch blocks, regions, and your own custom wrappers. You can also reverse the logic of selected code and revisit important points within your code instantly. CodeRush is 100-percent managed code and fully integrated within the .NET IDE. Every feature is implemented as a plug-in using Visual Studio's form designer and property browser. $249.99.
Developer Express
Phone: 702-262-0609

GDI+ Architect
GDI+ Architect is a graphical code creation tool that helps you create System.Drawing content for PrintDocuments, forms, controls, and the Web. It lets .NET developers create multipage, fixed-positioned print documents. GDI+ Architect includes a field that generates a property wrapper you can assign values to at run time. It also uses the graphic class document type to export a managed class that draws everything you've created with a single method and to any valid graphics context. GDI+ Architect can export in C# and VB.NET because it uses and adheres to Microsoft's codedom namespace to produce code. Contact vendor for pricing.
The Modern Renaissance Group

nVision Fault Manager for .NET
nVision Fault Manager for .NET gives you real-time detection and notification of .NET errors. It collects the error information needed to solve the problem from the .NET Common Language Runtime and delivers it to the right person in real time. It provides a reporting and charting engine for periodic, scheduled, and real-time reporting and charting; and it's built on the nVision Visibility Framework, an extensible framework that can manage from one to hundreds of .NET servers. Starts at $495.
nVision Software Technologies
Phone: 888-600-6660; 949-852-2456

PDF Creator Pilot
PDF Creator Pilot is a library that helps you create PDF files in Visual Basic, ASP, Visual C++, and .NET. It offers royalty-free PDF generation; supports Unicode; supports hDC, enabling you to draw directly inside a generated PDF document using WinAPI GDI functions; and is capable of creating PDF documents online through a Web server on the fly. It includes detailed documentation and step-by-step tutorials. $299.
Two Pilots
Phone: 773-764-5306

RapTier is a template-based ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET, and SQL code generator that helps you create database-driven applications. It features data access layer generation; DataSet and typed data transfer object support; stored procedure and dynamic SQL support; existing stored procedure wrapping; support of many database engines, including SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, and Sybase; template-based design; WebForm and WinForm UI generation; and database documentation generation. The generated ASP.NET and WinForm UI let you edit, sort, update, insert, and delete records in the database. RapTier generates database documentation that contains information about tables, views, stored procedures, indexes, triggers, and table relations. $299.

SOA Editor
SOA Editor is a free service-oriented architecture (SOA) editor that provides a graphical environment that simplifies the creation of services, which you can use, reuse, and integrate within an SOA. SOA Editor includes automated wizards for common development tasks, support for Web services standards, tools for testing code, support for XML Schema, and detailed documentation. You can define your service using Web Services Description Language (WSDL) and map your service to various applications and resources. SOA Editor supports the use of standard WSDL elements such as types, messages, operations, ports, port types, bindings, and services, and it also provides advanced support for elements such as imports, faults, SOAP headers, multiple bindings, and parameter ordering. Free.
Cape Clear Software
Phone: 888-2273-439; 781-622 2258


Apoc PDF Toolkit 2.0
Add Apoc PDF Toolkit to your applications to manipulate existing PDF documents and create new PDF documents. This 100-percent managed code toolkit is compatible with any .NET application, including ASP.NET apps, Windows apps, and console applications. It supports version 1.4 of the Adobe PDF reference specification, and it supports the production of PDF documents to Acrobat version 5. It is backward-compatible with all previous versions of the PDF specification, and it provides you with a Document Object Model. Apoc PDF Toolkit ships with full documentation in an MSDN-style help file, along with a variety of sample programs written in C#. $899.
Chive Software
Phone: +44-0-1224-224320

Atalasoft DotImage 1.1
DotImage now includes DotImage WinForms 1.1 and DotImage WebForms 1.1 for the Microsoft .NET Framework. DotImage WebForms is a full-featured imaging toolkit with WebForm controls for ASP.NET. Other improvements include a new TWAIN add-on for scanning and acquiring images, and support for creating multipage PDF documents containing images. DotImage also features a new memory file-mapping option in the ImageMemory class that increases performance when processing large images; automatic color management using color profiles in the WinForms control and enhanced color management support in the class library; a binary despeckle function; numerous new effects; a filter for removing scratches and dust from photographic images; the ability to create animated GIF images; and more. $1,199 Professional Edition.
Phone: 866-568-0129; 413-572-4443

IronWorks 1.2.1
IronWorks is a template-based universal code generator that reads a database schema, allows the user to set extended properties for tables and columns, and applies templates to each table to generate code. The templates access the IronWorks object model to produce tailored programs and components. IronWorks comes with a set of core templates, but you can edit them or write your own in C#, VB.NET, or any .NET language that supports the creation of DLLs. The C# and VB.NET template libraries produce three-tier architectures that use stored procedures to access and modify data, with Web Forms for the user interface. Version 1.2 simplifies project configurations with two new libraries that generate all the n-tier code for an entity with one template assignment. The New Project Wizard offers the option of loading template libraries as part of the project-creation process. The new version also features support for SQL Server's "image" data type and support for multiline textboxes. $535.28.
Phone: 787-282-0829

MKS Source Integrity Enterprise Edition 8.6
MKS Source Integrity is a software configuration management solution that enables real-time, secure, and flexible management for local and distributed development teams. Version 8.6 features a full-featured, documented API that allows you to write feature-rich integrations. It also includes a change-package review process, which provides a built-in mechanism to implement an enforceable review process. You can now migrate changes easily from one development path to another, and you can modify existing change packages. Contact vendor for pricing.
Phone: 800-265-2797

RichTextBox Professional 2.0
RichTextBox Professional 2.0 is a rich-text editor for ASP.NET. It features an integrated spell checker that's integrated within the editor so no additional programming is required. It provides U.S. (American) English spell checking out of the box, plus numerous additional language packs. RichTextBox is localized for 10 cultures. It also features extended support for importing Microsoft Word documents; extensive editing and formatting of tables; link editing; a full-color picker; and extensive layering and positional support. $350.
Richer Components
Phone: 800-772-7814; +44-0870-766-5203

Sax ActiveX Scripting Control 7
Use the Sax ActiveX Scripting Control to plug a VBA-compatible scripting editor and debugger into your app. You can extend the language with your own statements, giving your end users control over your application. VBA scripting decreases development time by using scripts to store dynamic rules, formulas, objects, and more. You can organize your applications by storing dynamic code in text files or databases. You can integrate your app with other software, and you can make it accessible to other apps by exposing its ActiveX object model. $999.
Phone: 800-645-3729; 541-344-2235

Secure Access 2.1
Secure Access provides user-management and access-control features for .NET applications. It lets you password-protect any .NET app and control access to ASP.NET pages, to application modules, or to application functionality. The new version also secures WinForms clients and Web services, and it contains its own Web service that provides its API to virtually any platform. Secure Access supports WS-Security and leverages Microsoft Web Services Enhancements. The Community Edition is free and limited to 100 user accounts; the Standard Edition focuses on Web site security; and the Enterprise Edition is for enterprise solutions that require integration of user accounts with existing infrastructure. It supports import from Microsoft Active Directory, Windows NT domains, and ODBC databases. $249 per server for Standard Edition; $399 per server for Enterprise Edition.
Phone: 420-545-552-552


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