Modern Enterprise Cloud Security Summit

Date: Friday, August 5th at 9 a.m. PT / 12 noon ET

Modern tips, techniques and best practices for architecting and managing your enterprise cloud security infrastructure.

The cloud is now your enterprise’s top attack vector. It's not a matter of if you'll be attacked, but when -- and how often! You have to be fully prepared, and know not only the ins and outs of what to do when you’re attacked, but how to recover quickly and fully.

In this free half-day seminar, brought to you by the editors of and Virtualization & Cloud Review, you'll hear from independent infosec and cloud security experts about the top threats you're facing, get real-world architecture and management best practice advice, and find out the pros and cons of public, private and hybrid cloud platforms, plus much more -- don't miss it.

Here is the AGENDA for the summit:

9 a.m. PT / 12 noon ET
Enterprise Cloud Security Threat Landscape: A 50-Minute Overview

10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET
Top Tips & Best Practices for Protecting & Recovering Your Enterprise Cloud

11 a.m. PT / 2 p.m. ET
Hottest Third-Party Solutions

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