Top 10 Multi-Cloud Management Tips, Tricks and What Not to Do

Date: Tuesday, May 17 at 10am PT / 1pm ET

We'll give you the first thing NOT to do right here from the outset: Don't think multi-cloud is too complex to manage, and don't think it's simple. You're accessing applications and resources from multiple mammoth cloud services and intending to bring them together to get important work done for you. Just like having multiple toolboxes to choose from, you need to know the tools well, be able to determine which one to use where, and know how to use them well. You also need to keep a careful eye on budget, as another tool can easily become the more cost-effective solution at any time, and when the cost changes it may signal an improvement or deprecation you need to act on. It's not a moving target. It's multiple moving targets. Topics will include:

  • Public, Private, Hybrid, Multi - What's the Difference?
  • Why Choose One Cloud Over Another?
  • Single-Pane-of-Glass is a Nice Panacea
  • Planning is Planning
  • Is Cloud-Native Also "Clouds"-Native?
  • Apply DevOps to Multi-Cloud Management to achieve continuous improvement through continuous deployment
  • Here is the AGENDA for the summit:

    9 a.m. PT / 12 noon ET
    Expert Best Practices for Multi-Cloud Environments

    10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET
    Top 10 Multi-Cloud Management Tips, Tricks and What Not to Do

    11 a.m. PT / 2 p.m. ET
    Best Practices for Enterprise Multicloud Management

    Register now!

    About the presenters:

    Howard M. Cohen, Sr. Resultant, The TechChannel Partners’ Results Group

    He is a 35+ year executive veteran of the Information Technology industry who today writes for and about the IT channel. He’s a frequent speaker at IT industry events that include Microsoft Inspire, Citrix Synergy/Summit, ConnectWise IT Nation, ChannelPro Forums, Cloud Partners Summit, MicroCorp One-On-One, and CompTIA ChannelCon, frequently hosts and presents webinars for many vendors and publications.

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