Zero Trust Best Practices: What Enterprise IT Needs to Know About Implementation

Date: Friday, April 8th at 10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET

While Zero Trust can be a major factor in ensuring protection of your organization’s infrastructure and data, it’s critical to deploy and implement it thoroughly and accurately. Zero Trust deployments typically follow a multi-step methodology. First identify the users and devices that will be involved and included. Then establish access controls and micro-segmentation. Then this is a critical step: deploy continuous network monitoring. Also consider remote access when implementing Zero Trust policies and procedures.

Whatever other steps you may opt to take, implementing Zero Trust can help protect your network and adapt to the continuously fluctuating modern enterprise environment. With Zero Trust, you can operate by “never trust, always verify.” During this second session, we will examine some of the critical steps and preparations you’ll need to take to properly implement Zero Trust.

Here is the AGENDA for the summit:

9 a.m. PT / 12 noon ET
Zero Trust Is Hot: Here's What It Is (and What It Is Not)

10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET
Zero Trust Best Practices: What Enterprise IT Needs to Know About Implementation

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John O'Neill, Sr. Chief Technologist, AWS Solutions

John is the Chief Technologist, for AWS Solutions. During his more than 20 years in IT, John has worked as a consultant, architect, executive, speaker, and author. He's been involved in multi-national networking, messaging, and communications projects. He has authored material for Thomson-Reuters' Aspatore Books and Exec Blueprints, and develops courseware for Pluralsight. John often speaks at IT events such as TechMentor, Cloud and Virtualization Live! 360, the NEOSA CIO Summit, and the NorthEast Ohio Technology Summit. He has been honored as a multi-year Microsoft MVP and has received NEOSA's CIO of the Year Award.

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