Key Digital Transformation Best Practices

Date: Friday, March 18th at 10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET

Whenever a phrase catches fire like "digital transformation" has, there's a tendency to think large. Go for the bleachers. The hail mary pass. The best coaches will tell you that success is most often found in the incremental gains. Hit singles. Go for short yardage. Soon you'll find yourself scoring big. The best digital transformations are small ones, often tactical improvements. Cumulatively, they form a completely new operation over time, but by going incrementally people have time to adopt, to prove processes to themselves, and to iron out small weaknesses before they become big anomalies.

In this session, Senior Resultant Howard M. Cohen will take you through some smaller digital transformations, finding new ways to make small but meaningful process improvements through more innovative applications of available technologies.

Here is the AGENDA for the summit:

9 a.m. PT / 12 noon ET
The Digital Transformation Landscape in 2022

10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET
Key Digital Transformation Best Practices

11 a.m. PT / 2 p.m. ET
Hottest Third-Party Products for Achieving Digital Transformation

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About the presenter:

Howard M. Cohen, Sr. Resultant, The TechChannel Partners’ Results Group

He is a 35+ year executive veteran of the Information Technology industry who today writes for and about the IT channel. He’s a frequent speaker at IT industry events that include Microsoft Inspire, Citrix Synergy/Summit, ConnectWise IT Nation, ChannelPro Forums, Cloud Partners Summit, MicroCorp One-On-One, and CompTIA ChannelCon, frequently hosts and presents webinars for many vendors and publications.

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