Expert Hybrid Cloud Data Tips & Infrastructure Best Practices

Date: Tuesday, August 3rd at 9 a.m. PDT / 12 noon EDT

Data is data. And data makes money in motion. No matter where it's stored or how it's transported it remains data and something always needs to be done to protect it from theft, corruption, or outright loss. Just as there are different ways to drive on thruways, parkways, expressways, highways, boulevards, and city streets there are discrete ways to protect data in any hybrid of cloud and on-premise infrastructures.

In this session Senior Resultant Howard M. Cohen will examine how to approach data management and protection in today's hybrid environments. Topics will include:

  1. Everything is hybrid
  2. You and your cloud provider's data protection responsibilities
  3. Data asset valuation and protection best practices
  4. Why SASE may make your life easier and less costly without compromise
  5. The importance of encryption

Here is the AGENDA for the summit:

9 a.m. PDT / 12 noon EDT
Expert Hybrid Cloud Data Tips & Infrastructure Best Practices

10 a.m. PDT / 1 p.m. EDT
Top Hybrid Cloud Data Dos and Don'ts

11 a.m. PDT / 2 p.m. EDT
Leveraging DBaaS to drive efficiency and performance in the hybrid cloud and beyond

Register now!

About the presenter:

Howard M. Cohen, Sr. Resultant, The TechChannel Partners' Results Group

He is a 35+ year executive veteran of the Information Technology industry who today writes for and about the IT channel. He's a frequent speaker at IT industry events that include Microsoft Inspire, Citrix Synergy/Summit, ConnectWise IT Nation, ChannelPro Forums, Cloud Partners Summit, MicroCorp One-On-One, and CompTIA ChannelCon, frequently hosts and presents webinars for many vendors and publications.

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