Choosing Your Cloud Summit

Date: Tuesday, August 24th at 9 a.m. PDT / 12 noon EDT

Public vs. Private vs. Hybrid vs. Multi-Cloud

The cloud is everywhere, and every organization has its own unique implementation from public to hybrid to private to multi-cloud.

Attendees of this Redmond and Virtualization & Cloud Review virtual summit will find out the latest on the key emerging differences of each major approach and for ideas from experts to get more business value out of their architecture.

Here is the AGENDA for the summit:

9 a.m. PDT / 12 noon EDT
State of the Cloud Art: The What, When and Why of Public vs. Private vs. Hybrid vs. Multi-Cloud

10 a.m. PDT / 1 p.m. EDT
Pain Points: When to Consider Switching or Evolving Your Cloud Architecture

11 a.m. PDT / 2 p.m. EDT
Hottest Third-Party Tools

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