Microsoft 365 Data Protection – It’s Not Just Backup

Date: May 5th at 9am PDT / 12 noon EDT

The state-of-the-art security infrastructure and processes protecting Microsoft 365 datacenters make them virtually impossible to breach directly. But architectural and functional aspects of Microsoft 365 make your tenant vulnerable to compromise and data loss through human mistakes, programmatic errors, malicious insider activity and phishing, malware and ransomware attacks. Case in point: the SolarWinds hack that went undetected for at least nine months.

Protecting your tenant requires strategies and tactics to reduce the frequency and severity of data loss events in addition to maintaining backup copies of your data. Join Editor-in-Chief Scott Bekker, 14-time Microsoft Office Apps and Services MVP Matthew McDermott, and Spanning Director of Product Marketing Dave Wallen as they discuss:

  • Common misunderstandings about data protection and tenant security responsibility in Microsoft 365.
  • Why Microsoft 365 tenants can be more vulnerable to compromise than other cloud services.
  • How account compromise leads to tenant compromise.
  • Strategies, tactics and actions for reducing the frequency and severity of tenant compromise.

And much more!

Register now and come away with a set of steps you can take today to improve the security of your tenant and better protect your Microsoft 365 data.

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