Expert Q&A: State of Office 365 Protection

Date: Wednesday, March 17th at 11am PST / 2pm EST

Office 365's role in almost everyone's work life has only gotten more central in the last year as organizations activated Teams to supplement an increased reliance on Exchange and SharePoint as a collaboration lifeline among newly remote workers. At the same time, all those employees are at home, even further out from under the protectively watchful eyes of their IT departments.

The bad guys noticed, making Office 365 a major front in the corporate security battle.

Join Editorial Director Scott Bekker for this wide-ranging discussion with Microsoft MVP Matt McDermott and Dave Wallen, both of Spanning Cloud Apps, about the state of Office 365 security.

We'll cover:

  • The rise of social engineering attacks and recent trends in attack types
  • What Microsoft's anti-social engineering tools can and can't do
  • What's available about you and your organization on the Dark Web
  • Challenges and pitfalls in the shared responsibility model
  • Scenarios in which organizations lose Office 365 data
  • Office 365-related takeaways from the recent Solarwinds incident
  • And much more!

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