Top Trends in Cloud Backup and Recovery

Date: Friday, February 26th at 9 a.m. PST / 12 noon EST

Best practices and modern approaches to protecting enterprise cloud data.

As many organizations continue their digital transformation efforts, they continue to rely more heavily on the cloud for a variety of functions.

Lately, more organizations are choosing cloud-based platforms for backup and recovery efforts, instead of building out a physical site on-premises. The primary reasons are the cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and scalability inherent to cloud-based backup systems.

If you spend the time to formulate an effective strategy and find the right partner, then cloud-based backup and disaster recovery can become a highly-functional aspect of your infrastructure.

During this opening session of the Cloud Backup and Recovery for 2021 Summit, we will examine some of the trends emerging around cloud-based backup and recovery, and how you can capitalize on those trends to support your enterprise backup and recovery efforts.

When you sign up for this session, you are automatically registered for all sessions of the Cloud Backup and Recovery for 2021 Summit.

9 a.m. PST / 12 noon EST
Top Trends in Cloud Backup and Recovery

10 a.m. PST / 1 p.m. EST
Modern Best Practices for Cloud Backup and Recovery

11 a.m. PST / 2 p.m. EST
Hottest Third-Party Cloud Backup and Recovery Tools

Register now!

About the presenter:

John O'Neill, Sr., Chief Technologist, AWS Solutions

John is the Chief Technologist, for AWS Solutions. During his more than 20 years in IT, John has worked as a consultant, architect, executive, speaker, and author. He's been involved in multi-national networking, messaging, and communications projects. He has authored material for Thomson-Reuters' Aspatore Books and Exec Blueprints, and develops courseware for Pluralsight.

John often speaks at IT events such as TechMentor, Cloud and Virtualization Live! 360, the NEOSA CIO Summit, and the NorthEast Ohio Technology Summit. He has been honored as a multi-year Microsoft MVP and has received NEOSA's CIO of the Year Award.

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