How to Move PST Files to Office 365

Date: Thursday, October 29th at 11am PT / 2pm ET

PST files were popular in the 90s and 00s, but now they're as outdated as answering machines and floppy disks. However, some users never got the memo, and PSTs still litter many enterprise organizations.

The security issues surrounding PST files have been well-known for years, but the recent shift to home-working has put them back in the spotlight, as remote access is near-impossible - meaning critical data is out of reach and vulnerable.

As such, the need to move PST data to Office 365 and upgrade the user experience has never been greater.

During this webinar you will learn:

  • How to locate all PST files on your network
  • What network and throughput considerations to plan for
  • How to ensure happy end-user experience, both during and post-PST migration

Aimed at CIOs, IT Managers, Exchange Admins, Office 365 Engineers, MSP Partners, Compliance Officers, Data Security professionals, and those working in Digital Transformation, this session outlines everything you need to know about PST files in the modern world, and how to move them to Exchange Online archiving or user mailboxes.

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