
  • News

    WebSideStory: 'Browser Wars a Massacre'

    Worldwide usage of the AOL-Netscape Navigator browser hit a record low, according to outsourced Web analytics provider WebSideStory Inc. "The browser war is in fact a massacre," WebSideStory StatMarket's vice president of marketing Geoff Johnston said in a statement. "Unless AOL makes a move soon, Netscape may find itself battling Opera for the last 1 [percent] to 2 percent of the market." 08/29/2002

  • News

    Windows XP SP1 Coming Within 10 Days

    The first service pack for Windows XP will be distributed within 10 days, the financial news agency Bloomberg reported. Microsoft discussed its plans with financial reporters in the context of its antitrust agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice. 08/28/2002

  • News

    New HP Loses $2B in First Quarter as Combined Company

    The new HP saw revenues sink and weathered a large loss in its first financial quarter operating as the product of the controversial merger between computer giants Hewlett-Packard and Compaq. 08/28/2002

  • News

    Microsoft Patches Eight Security Holes

    Summer break? What summer break? Microsoft's security teams demonstrated that they're not sleeping during the dog days of summer this year when they issued patches for eight newly discovered security problems last week. 08/26/2002

  • News

    Intel Releases Faster Desktop Processors

    Intel rolled out new versions of its premier desktop processors this week. The latest Pentium 4 desktop chips are closing in on the 3-GHz clockspeed threshold. Intel released Pentium 4s in speeds of 2.8 GHz, 2.66 GHz, 2.60 GHz and 2.50 GHz. 08/26/2002

  • News

    Microsoft Expands SQL 2000 with Notification Services

    Microsoft released a downloadable service built on its flagship SQL Server 2000 database for generating personalized notification messages for different client devices. 08/26/2002

  • News

    IBM Scales Down Modular Server

    IBM Corp. will introduce an entry level version of its new modular, Intel-based servers. On Aug. 30, IBM will begin offering two-way versions of the eServer x440 servers. 08/22/2002

  • News

    Microsoft Syncs Server OS, Development Tools

    It's all about timing. Microsoft formally synchronized the release of the next version of Visual Studio .NET and the .NET Framework with Windows .NET Server. 08/22/2002

  • News

    Iomega Shipping Windows Powered NAS

    Iomega Corp., best known for its handy Zip personal storage drives, is getting into the game of "Windows Powered" Network-Attached Storage by releasing devices running Windows 2000 technology. 08/21/2002

  • News

    Netcraft: Microsoft Loses Web Server Share in August

    The market shares of the major Web servers surge and ebb with the fortunes of the largest Web hosters. When major ISPs go out of business or shift to Apache or to Internet Information Services, market shares for the platforms, as tracked by researchers at U.K.-based Netcraft, rise or fall. 08/21/2002

  • News

    Rational Updates Development Tool for .NET

    Rational Software is delivering a .NET Edition of its visual design and development environment. The Rational XDE Professional: .NET Edition earns the Microsoft .NET part of its name by supporting Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and ASP.NET. 08/21/2002

  • News

    Elevation of Privilege Flaw in Windows 2000

    Microsoft warned users of an important new flaw in Windows 2000. A hacker could use an elaborate process to elevate his or her privileges through a security problem in the Network Connection Manager (NCM) within Windows 2000. 08/20/2002

  • News

    Roll-up Patch Issued for SQL Server

    Microsoft created a new cumulative patch for SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000. A fix for a new flaw involving extended stored procedures in SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000 prompted Microsoft to roll up all the recent SQL Server patches. 08/20/2002

  • News

    Web Services Exams Go Live

    Microsoft makes available two more core exams for the MCAD.NET and MCSD.NET tracks. 08/20/2002

  • News

    Win2K SP3, XP SP1 Share Settlement Changes

    Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 and Windows XP SP 1 share a key element—changes to comply with Microsoft’s antitrust settlement with the Department of Justice. 08/16/2002

  • News

    Apache Flaw Affects Windows Implementations

    A security company released information this week about what it calls an "extremely high risk" vulnerability involving the Apache open source Web server running on non-Unix platforms, such as Windows. 08/15/2002

  • News

    MCAD Numbers Adding Up

    Microsoft issues its first hundred certifications for new developer certification. 08/15/2002

  • News

    Microsoft Gives Out More Information on Stand-Alone Active Directory

    IT professionals interested in the stand-alone version of Active Directory for applications that Microsoft started discussing last month can find out more about the technology in a new white paper on Microsoft's Web site. 08/15/2002

  • News

    The Certification Boat

    How would you rather get your MCP: reading books and fiddling with a homemade network in your windowless basement or tooling around Jamaica and the Grand Caymans on a cruise ship? 08/14/2002

  • News

    IDC: 2001 Thin Client Shipments Surpassed 1 Million Units

    Economic downturns can be bright spots for certain industries. That appears to be partially the case with thin client computing. 08/14/2002

  • News

    Dataquest: HP Gained Lead in IA-32 Server Shipments in Merger Quarter

    HP, which was supposed to be plagued by merger-related malaise and confusion in the second quarter of the calendar year, instead roared through the quarter in terms of U.S. server sales, according to a study by Gartner's Dataquest market research arm. 08/14/2002

  • News

    Dell-EMC Jointly Roll Out Storage Array

    Dell and EMC this week released the first new piece of storage hardware under their five-year partnership unveiled in October. 08/14/2002

  • News

    Sun, IBM Face Off at LinuxWorld Expo

    Linux used to be about the little guy, independent developers working to perfect the grassroots operating system. But the loudest voices at this week’s LinuxWorld Expo are the giants of enterprise computing, IBM and Sun. 08/13/2002

  • News

    Critical Flaw Found in Content Management Server

    Microsoft revealed a critical flaw in its Microsoft Content Management Server. The most serious of three newly discovered vulnerabilities could allow an attacker to remotely execute code on a server in the Local System context. 08/08/2002

  • News

    Microsoft Delivers SP2 for .NET Framework

    Microsoft issued a second service pack for the six-month-old Microsoft .NET Framework this week. 08/08/2002

  • CodeWarrior Learning Edition

  • Transcender VB-Cert/Windows 7.0

  • AppsChannel Code Drop

  • Precise/Indepth for SQL Server

  • News

    IDC: Linux Revenues Declined in 2001

    Still, the open source operating system did better than every operating environment but Windows in 2001 and should realize a 28 percent compound annual growth rate over the next five years, according to analysts at market research firm IDC. 08/07/2002

  • News

    Microsoft Secures Windows-Based Supercomputer

    Microsoft, Dell and Intel commit $60 million over four years to fund the expansion of an existing high-performance-computing cluster at the Cornell Theory Center. The agreement assures Microsoft of a continuing Windows presence in a large-scale research cluster, a field dominated in the price-performance end by Linux configurations. 08/07/2002

  • News

    HP Offers Failover Clustering on Vanilla NT, W2K

    Failover clustering is an upsell in Microsoft server operating systems. Users must buy Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Windows 2000 Datacenter Server or Windows NT 4.0 Server, Enterprise Edition, to get it. Hewlett-Packard Co. introduced clustering software on Tuesday that works with plain-old Windows NT 4.0 Server of Windows 2000 Server. But there's a catch: It's only supported on HP's ProLiant servers. 08/07/2002

  • MYdbPAL Professional 1.0

  • CodeCharge Studio 1.0.6

  • News

    Microsoft: Windows XP SP1 Due in August-September

    During a news conference on steps Microsoft is taking to comply with the antitrust settlement, company officials said Windows XP Service Pack 1 will be available in the next two months. 08/06/2002

  • News

    Windows 2000 SP3 Generally Available

    Microsoft posted Service Pack 3 for Windows 2000 late Thursday, two days after making SP3 available to Premier Customers. The oft-delayed bundle of regression-tested bug fixes is the first Windows 2000 service pack so far that Microsoft has recommended that users install. 08/02/2002

  • In-Depth

    Journey into MCSE-Land

    Going solo on certification is tough. Here's how one group achieved MCSE success as a team. 08/01/2002

  • This is Just A test!

    Transcender's SQL-DesignCert 8.0 proves worthy 08/01/2002

  • How Many Microsofts?

    Maybe they already broke up the company and we didn’t notice. 08/01/2002

  • Getting Beyond the Subnet

    Moving beyond static IP addresses makes our intrepid script router-friendly and takes you to the great outdoors. 08/01/2002

  • Right Path, Going Nowhere

    A reader who "followed the rules" is still having a tough time finding a job. 08/01/2002

  • In-Depth

    Exchanging Pain for Pleasure

    Moving from Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2000 is a complex task. This migration took many unexpected twists, turns and hours. 08/01/2002

  • MCSE Core Four

    A thorough guide for an essential foundation 08/01/2002

  • Speed Up Your VB.NET Code

    Optimization rules have changed under VB.NET-here are eight great new ways to build wicked-fast code. 08/01/2002

  • Security Advisor

    How To Be a Security Babe

    If you want to do IT security because it’s “hot” right now, or because you think that’s where the money is, forget it. If you truly love the field, read on. 08/01/2002

  • Windows Insider

    Simplify Resource Navigation With Dfs

    The Distributed file system (Dfs), when properly implemented, can help your users get where they want to go. But its usefulness doesn’t stop there. 08/01/2002

  • Avoid Disaster Downtime

    Find information on disaster recovery and backup strategies. 08/01/2002

  • Certified Mail: August 2002

    "Windowsville" residents chime in on the "which OS is more secure" argument; readers debate Microsoft's longevity. 08/01/2002

  • News

    ENT's Guide to Microsoft Clustering Technologies

    Over the last several years, Microsoft has greatly expanded its list of technologies that fit under the umbrella term "clustering." Here's an overview of some of the most prominent Microsoft clustering technologies. 08/01/2002

  • News

    New SQL Vulnerability Patched

    A moderate vulnerability in the Microsoft Data Access Components could compromise security on SQL Server systems. The security bulletin issued by Microsoft about the issue late Wednesday is the third involving SQL Server in the last two weeks. 08/01/2002

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