
  • Windows Insider

    Testing Exchange's New Spam Filter

    In spite of its shortcomings, you can't beat the price of Microsoft's Intelligent Message Filter. 08/01/2004

  • The Pain of Exams

    Compared to the technology that's being tested, test center technology can seem outright medieval. 08/01/2004

  • Security Advisor

    On the Offensive

    It's time to become proactive about stopping computer crime. 08/01/2004

  • An Expert's Guide to Total Network Security

    A concise, once-over book for the security novice and expert. 08/01/2004

  • Build Cross-Platform PDA Apps

    AppForge Crossfire 5.0 is a VS.NET 2003 add-in that lets you build applications for multiple mobile platforms from a single code base. 08/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    You Ask, Ballmer Answers

    MCP Magazine readers get a crack at the Microsoft CEO. 08/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    Reviews Are in: SMS 2003 Is a Hit

    Microsoft's latest version of Systems Management Server includes a bevy of new features that early users say save them time and money. 08/01/2004

  • Welcome to REDMOND Magazine, Part 2

    Coming in October: More of the same, but more and better. 08/01/2004

  • Build Web Sites Using Master Pages

    ASP.NET 2.0 master pages enable you to set the common content for a group of Web pages quickly and easily, while also providing for each page's unique content. 08/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    Build Real-Time Web Images

    Use Microsoft's TerraService and MapPoint Web Services to start your own VS.NET-based mapping projects. 08/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    A Virtual Shootout

    EMC's virtual machine software edges out Microsoft's in overall features. 08/01/2004

  • The Battle to Provision

    The convergence of directory management and provisioning, and how organizations can leverage their directory management investments to meet their provisioning needs. 08/01/2004

  • Define Your Data Validation

    Check out the latest VS.NET add-ins, including a product that lets you define your data validation only once. 08/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    Protection Through Isolation

    This admin got a shock when he discovered that usernames and passwords for his new employer's sensitive documents were being sent in cleartext. Fortunately, he was able to see the forest for the trees. 08/01/2004

  • Position Yourself Wisely

    It is possible to survive and even excel in today's tough developer job environment-but it will take a change in how you think about and approach your job. 08/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    Books: Debug VB.NET Apps

    Debugging software systems is a necessary step to creating stable, low-defect software. Comprehensive VB.NET Debugging provides a roadmap that helps you avoid common traps and achieve your software goals. 08/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    Simplify Updates With Templates

    ASP.NET developers often use a base class inherited from the root class Page as a template to make their Web sites look consistent. However, the HTML is often embedded in the base class, preventing the template from being previewed or edited. Learn to work around this problem by separating the template and the base class. 08/01/2004

  • Put Custom Property Editors on the Map

    Use PropertyGrid to edit complex data structures by adding custom user interface editors. 08/01/2004

  • News

    IT Weekly Roundup, July 31

    From the business wires this week: event log auditors, voice and instant messaging tools, and more ways to fight spam, viruses and security loopholes. 07/30/2004

  • News

    A Trustworthy Response?

    Everyone--Microsoft and its customers--needs to get more serious about the virus threat. 07/30/2004

  • News

    Microsoft to Fix IE Ahead of Next Patch Tuesday

    Microsoft vowed to release an out-of-cycle patch next week for Internet Explorer, its embattled browser that was shown to be so vulnerable by the recent Download.Ject problem that many security experts recommend that users stop using the product. 07/29/2004

  • News

    Windows Server 2003 SP1, 64-bit Extended Editions Slip to 2005

    Microsoft has given up on delivering Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2003 for 64-bit Extended Systems and Windows XP 64-bit for 64-bit Extended Systems this year. 07/28/2004

  • Secure, Safe, Feature-Laden Web Browsing

    Alternatives to the standard IE. 07/28/2004

  • News

    Microsoft Rejects Japanese Antimonopoly Recommendation

    The Japanese Fair Trade Commission recommended on July 13 that Microsoft is in contravention of Japan's Antimonopoly Act. Microsoft formally gave the JFTC notice of its plans to seek further hearings on the recommendation this week. 07/28/2004

  • News

    Hidden Gem: Windows Server Roadmap

    On occasion, Microsoft publishes a great white paper with little fanfare. That's the case with a document called the "Windows Server Product Roadmap," which the company published in mid-June. Anyone in charge of buying or influencing the purchase of Windows servers ought to print out a copy. 07/28/2004

  • News

    Microsoft Finishes SQL Server 2005 Beta 2

    Microsoft this week released its long-awaited Beta 2 for SQL Server 2005, the next major release of Microsoft's flagship database that was formerly code-named "Yukon." 07/27/2004

  • Stalled Exchange 2000 Setup

    Migration to Exchange 2000 seems to go fine, but setup comes to a screeching halt for this admin. 07/27/2004

  • News

    Office 2003 SP1 Available

    Microsoft on Tuesday posted Office 2003 Service Pack 1, a collection of bug fixes for all the Office applications as well as feature enhancements for OneNote, InfoPath, Outlook and Access. 07/27/2004

  • Lock Down Remote Registry Access

    Block anonymous users from accessing confidential information. 07/26/2004

  • News

    MCP Program Hits 1.5 Million Participants

    Latest numbers show MCSE 2003 at 10,013; MCDST at 1,280. 07/22/2004

  • News

    Microsoft Earnings, Revenues Grow in 4th Quarter

    Microsoft on Thursday announced 15 percent revenue growth, and 82 percent earnings growth for its fourth quarter compared to the year-ago period. But the company missed analyst expectations for earnings per share. 07/22/2004

  • News

    Fujitsu Ships Itanium 2 Server

    Fujitsu's U.S. subsidiary this week rolled out the second server in its line of Itanium 2 processor-based systems. 07/21/2004

  • News

    Microsoft Contributes Analyst, Free Software to Cybercrime Organization

    Microsoft announced Wednesday that it is helping a new cyberforensics organization get off the ground with the contribution of a full-time analyst and $46,000 worth of software. 07/21/2004

  • News

    Abridean Updates Provisioning Software

    Abridean advanced its user management and provisioning software this week with a new release that introduces centralized management of policies governing the granting and removing of user access to systems, data and resources. 07/21/2004

  • News

    Lindows to Get $20 Million from Microsoft, Will Change Company Name to Linspire

    Microsoft agreed to pay $20 million to Lindows to get the San Diego-based desktop Linux OS vendor to stop using a name that Microsoft contends infringes upon its Windows trademark. 07/20/2004

  • In-Depth

    XML and Web Services: Are We Secure Yet?

    From confidentiality, integrity, and availability to authentication, authorization, and audit, find out how you can employ best practices to make Web services secure. 07/20/2004

  • News

    Microsoft Unveils $30 Billion Stock Buyback

    Company executives also announced plans to issue a special one-time dividend of $3 per share and change Microsoft's regular dividend payments from 16 cents per share per year to 8 cents per share per quarter. 07/20/2004

  • Split DNS Configuration

  • News

    IT Weekly Roundup, July 16

    From the business wires this week: three new tools for ISA Server 2004, monitoring tools get updated, a freeware untombstoning tool and more. 07/16/2004

  • News

    Windows Update Services Delayed

    Citing the need to incorporate user feedback and the higher priority of Windows XP Service Pack 2-related work, Microsoft pushed back its shipment target for Windows Update Services from the end of this year to the first half of next year. 07/14/2004

  • Are You Restrictive with Your Groups?

    The miracle of Group Policy is that you can maintain tight reins on who has admin rights. 07/14/2004

  • News

    ISA Server 2004 Generally Available

    Microsoft Internet Security & Acceleration Server 2004 is generally available, a Microsoft executive told partners at a conference Tuesday. 07/13/2004

  • News

    New Beta for Old Windows Exam?

    Microsoft to release beta version of 70-291 exam with questions relating to upcoming Windows XP SP2, say sources. 07/13/2004

  • News

    Quarantining Part of Windows Server 2003 'R2' Fleshed Out

    Microsoft unveiled details, a name and partner support for the quarantining technology it plans to add to Windows Server 2003 next year in the update release, code-named "R2." 07/13/2004

  • News

    Patch Tuesday Brings Fixes for 2 Critical Security Flaws

    Microsoft patched two critical flaws in its software in a batch of seven security bulletins released today as part of the company's monthly "Patch Tuesday." Each of the two critical flaws could allow an attacker to take complete control of a Windows computer over the Internet. 07/13/2004

  • DHCP Roll Call

    Scriptable method for obtaining a list of DHCP server names in a domain. 07/13/2004

  • News

    Bagle Comes Back

    Bagle is back and security industry insiders say new developments with the mass-mailing worm will probably cause headaches for Windows administrators all summer. 07/12/2004

  • News

    Windows XP SP2 Coming in August

    Windows XP Service Pack 2, arguably Microsoft's biggest service pack yet and the company's most important security project since the Trustworthy Computing initiative, will be released in August. 07/12/2004

  • News

    Weekly IT Roundup, July 9

    New, updated software and hardware announcements of interest to MCPs, from the business wires. 07/09/2004

  • News

    Postini Declares Shift in Spam Battle

    E-mail security and management provider Postini declared this week that its method of blocking spam e-mails based on IP addresses is proving an effective complement to content filtering. 07/08/2004

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