
  • News

    SQL Server 2005 Editions, Pricing Unveiled

    Microsoft will raise prices for SQL Server 2005 compared to SQL Server 2000, but SQL Server will continue to come in a free edition, a new low cost edition is being added and functionality previously reserved for the Enterprise Edition is working its way down to lower cost versions. 02/24/2005

  • News

    Exams Under the Radar: Licensing Solutions

    More competency exams available for Microsoft software licensing experts. 02/23/2005

  • News

    Windows NT Protocols, Subsystems Go by the Boards in x64

    Some of Windows NT's oldest subsystem and protocol friends will be left behind when the codebase moves to x64. 02/23/2005

  • News

    IBM Rolls Out X3-based eServer and X3 Chipset

    IBM will ship the first of its X3 32/64-bit, dual-core capable servers within 30 days, the company said this week. The eServer xSeries 366 (x366) is the first in a planned IBM family of dual-core-capable Intel-based server offerings. 02/23/2005

  • News

    Intel Ships Five 64-bit Pentium 4s

    Intel is shipping five 64-bit Pentium 4 processors for use in desktop computers. The release comes on the heels of the company’s shipment earlier this month of early production versions of its dual-core CPUs. 02/23/2005

  • News

    Opinion: An IE 7.0 Wish List

    Columnist Russ Cooper would have liked a few more specifics out of Bill Gates' much-anticipated keynote address at the RSA conference last week. 02/22/2005

  • News

    Microsoft Buys Toolkit for Axapta

    Microsoft on Tuesday announced the purchase of a third-party wizard for implementing Microsoft Axapta. 02/22/2005

  • News

    Microsoft Launches Windows Server Blog

    Microsoft this month started a blog dedicated to its Windows Server family. The Windows Server product team appears poised to use the blog as an information clearinghouse for minor product milestones, such as release candidates and other betas, to float trial balloons for potential features, and as a place to gather user input. 02/22/2005

  • News

    IT Weekly Roundup, Feb. 18

    From the business wires this week: compliance and auditing tools, a security and antitheft tracking solution, and more. 02/18/2005

  • News

    ISA 2004 Enterprise Edition Coming in March

    Internet Security & Acceleration Server 2004 Enterprise Edition will be generally available in March, eight months after the Standard Edition of the firewall, VPN and Web caching server hit the market. 02/17/2005

  • News

    Intel 64-bit Xeons Upgraded

    Intel announced this week it is shipping upgraded versions of its 64-bit Xeon processors, and also said it will ship new multi-processor Xeons within three months. 02/17/2005

  • News

    AMD Readies New Opterons

    Sunnyvale, Calif.-based AMD announced this week that it will ship two new Opteron processors within the next month, and also announced that Cambridge, England-based startup XenSource will port the Xen open-source system virtualization platform to run on Opteron-based systems. 02/17/2005

  • News

    Lucid8 Ships Updated Exchange Maintenance Package

    Lucid8 is shipping version 3.1 of its GOexchange automated Exchange maintenance product. 02/16/2005

  • News

    Internet Explorer 7.0 to Focus on Security

    Fresh on the heels of a security-related update of Internet Explorer 6.0 in Windows XP Service Pack 2, Microsoft is promising a second security-focused overhaul of the browser for Windows XP SP2 systems called Internet Explorer 7.0. 02/16/2005

  • News

    I, Robots.txt

    In a recent bout of stupidity, the U.S. Department of Energy apparently accidentally published confidential Homeland Security Department documents marked "For Official Use Only", and the documents remain visible via Google's Web cache. 02/15/2005

  • News

    Longhorn Beta Coming in First Half

    Windows "Longhorn" Beta 1 is on track for availability in the first half of this year, a Microsoft official said last week. 02/15/2005

  • News

    Limited Group Testing 'R2'

    Microsoft is doubling the size of the group conducting private tests of the Windows Server 2003 "R2" release, but the test group remains tiny compared to the scope of Microsoft's public betas for operating systems. 02/15/2005

  • News

    Gates: Microsoft Working on a New Version of Internet Explorer

    Gates made the IE announcement during a wide-ranging keynote about Microsoft's security plans at the RSA Conference in San Francisco. Gates also said Microsoft will develop its own anti-virus engine, its anti-spyware software will be free for consumer users of Windows, and Internet Security & Acceleration Server 2004 is released to manufacturing. 02/15/2005

  • News

    Partner Up on XP Exam

    Two can take Microsoft's Exam 70-270 for the price of single exam; available for limited time. 02/15/2005

  • News

    IT Weekly Roundup, Feb. 11

    From the business wires this week: an Oracle plug-in for .NET, a VPN client, a LAN management solution and more. 02/11/2005

  • News

    Dual-Core Pentiums Coming In Q2

    Intel announced this week it is already turning out trial production runs of two of its promised dual-core processor models, enabling creation of desktop PCs that can run four separate threads at once. Deliveries of production processors and supporting chipsets will come in the second quarter, a company spokeswoman says. 02/10/2005

  • News

    Chip Consortium to Produce 'Cell'

    Intel is facing a challenger in multi-core processors from a surprising competitor -- a consortium that includes IBM, Sony and Toshiba. 02/10/2005

  • News

    Windows Server 2003 SP1 Hits RC2 Stage

    Microsoft posted second release candidates on Wednesday night for Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition and Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. 02/09/2005

  • News

    Microsoft to Buy Sybari

    Microsoft signed a definitive agreement to buy anti-virus and anti-spam vendor Sybari Software for an undisclosed sum, the companies said on Tuesday. 02/09/2005

  • News

    HP Board Pushes Fiorina Out

    HP chairman and chief executive officer Carly Fiorina, the architect and champion of HP's controversial 2002 merger with fellow computer giant Compaq Computer, resigned Wednesday at the request of HP's Board of Directors. 02/09/2005

  • News

    New Certification for Administrative Scripters

    Consider yourself a scripting expert? Prove it with this certification. 02/09/2005

  • News

    Microsoft Releases 12 Security Bulletins, 8 Critical

    Microsoft on Tuesday delivered its promised heavy load of security bulletins, including two patches for critical flaws already in the public domain. 02/08/2005

  • News

    Gates: Perfect Smart Client? – Office, of Course

    Microsoft chairman Bill Gates used the company's first Office System Developer Conference to pitch Office as the obvious smart client for applications being built by the 800 partner developers in the audience. 02/08/2005

  • News

    IT Weekly Roundup, Feb. 4

    From the business wires this week: AD tools; antispam solutions; tape appliances that compress, encrypt and sign data; and more. 02/04/2005

  • News

    Cloak Hides Off Limits Files From Nosy Users

    ScriptLogic is shipping Cloak, a tool that lets systems managers show individual users only those files and directories that they are allowed to access. Like the fabled stealth capability of Klingon warships, files and directories that users are not authorized to access become invisible to them. 02/03/2005

  • News

    Visual Studio Tools Emphasized at First Office Devcon

    Microsoft kicked off its first ever Office System Developer Conference here Wednesday, emphasizing the increasing programmability of the Office suite and its improving integration with other products. 02/03/2005

  • News

    Flood of Security Bulletins Coming Next Tuesday

    IT departments worldwide should have an exceptionally busy Tuesday next week, evaluating and deploying a flood of patches from Microsoft. 02/03/2005

  • News

    Microsoft Creates Free Utility for Detecting Network Sniffers

    Microsoft on Wednesday posted a free security tool in the Microsoft Download Center to help administrators root out unauthorized network sniffers running on Windows computers. 02/03/2005

  • News

    Why the Dip in Office Revenues?

    Microsoft's most recent quarterly financial report showed a stumble in the lucrative Office suite's otherwise steady march toward ever-larger revenues. Revenues for the Information Worker unit fell 3 percent compared to the year-ago quarter. On the other hand, profits from the unit shot up 11 percent. 02/02/2005

  • News

    HPC Market Growth Strong

    High-performance computing is becoming more common and less expensive, according to analysts at IDC. 02/02/2005

  • Windows Insider

    (Almost) Painless Schema Mods

    You might want to take a few precautionary steps prior to initiating ADPREP. 02/01/2005

  • Security Advisor

    Top 3 Encryption Myths

    Misconceptions of encryption keep us from obtaining the full range of benefits it offers. 02/01/2005

  • News

    Microsoft Launches MSN Search

    Microsoft's long-awaited direct challenge to Google's Internet search dominance arrived Tuesday with the formal launch of MSN Search. 02/01/2005

  • News

    New Twist to Exams: Just Do It

    Microsoft's Learning Group to introduce simulations to MCP exams; new question type already available in Windows Server 2003 core exams. 02/01/2005

  • An HTA Reality Check

    Simplify your administrative life with HTAs. 02/01/2005

  • One Welcome Service Pack

    Our Beta Man offers an early look at what Windows Server 2003 SP1 will bring. 02/01/2005

  • Bad Product Names

    What's in a name? A whole lot more than some people anticipate. 02/01/2005

  • News

    Microsoft to Meet with Antitrust Regulators about Longhorn

    The back-and-forth between Microsoft and government regulators about whether Windows "Longhorn" will violate the U.S. antitrust agreement will escalate this month to a face-to-face meeting. Windows XP Service Pack 2 also emerged as a topic for antitrust-related discussion. 02/01/2005

  • Recover Me

    True Image Server for Windows can take away your worries about accurate and efficient server recovery. 02/01/2005

  • In-Depth

    Microsoft's $11 Billion Man

    Jeff Raikes, head of Microsoft's Information Worker unit, expounds on Office, Software Assurance and the changing nature of life at work. 02/01/2005

  • News

    Three Cheers for Disclosure

    A funny thing's been happening on the security mailing lists lately, and it's got me shaking my head. 02/01/2005

  • In-Depth

    The 10 Essential Rules of Patch Management

    The more work you put in up front, the easier it will be to get and stay current when the patches hit. 02/01/2005

  • News

    Network Engines: Back from the Brink

    A Q&A with CEO John Curtis 02/01/2005

  • Download Lockdown

    Worried about trojans and viruses sneaking in with downloaded files? DownloadSecurity can help you stop them at the gate. 02/01/2005

  • In-Depth

    Talk Among Yourselves

    A private IM environment may be just the answer to give your company all the benefits of IM while mitigating the inherent security risks. 02/01/2005

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