
  • News

    Microsoft Pushes Non-Security Security Update

    Microsoft Corp.released a new security advisory. The good news is that it doesn't actually deal with a known exploit, worm, or virus. In other words, it doesn't technically deal with security at all. 05/22/2007

  • Cure Could Be Worse Than Disease for IE7

    Redmond's patches reportedly have issues. 05/22/2007

  • Will Vista Be Microsoft's Last 32-bit OS?

    Redmond not telling -- yet. 05/22/2007

  • Microsoft Mixes Messages on Patents

    What does Redmond want? 05/22/2007

  • You Can't Get No Satisfaction: Readers on Microsoft's Low Rating

    Reasons include poor support for the little guys, hype and bloat, CPU drag, excessive authenticity checking -- and more -- as readers weigh in on the topic. 05/22/2007

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    'Popfly' To Help Bring Silverlight to the Masses

    Microsoft has revealed one way it hopes to foster rapid adoption of Silverlight, its new technology for building rich Internet applications. 05/21/2007

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    An RDP Vulnerability Just Waiting To Happen?

    According to security professionals, it's possible for users of Microsoft's new RDP 6.0 client to bypass server-side security settings and successfully establish connections—even when their sessions haven't been authenticated. 05/21/2007

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    Microsoft Office To Work With Chinese Counterpart

    Microsoft, in its latest foray into the love/hate relationship with the open-source community, is extending the interoperability between a number of its products and the Chinese open document format. 05/21/2007

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    Vietnam Agrees To Use Licensed Software Only

    Microsoft Corp. CEO Steve Ballmer witnessed the signing of an agreement Monday requiring all of Vietnam's government offices to use licensed computer software in a step to curb rampant piracy. 05/21/2007

  • News

    Google, Discuss Alliance Inc.'s stock price climbed by more than 4 percent Monday in response to a report that the online software pioneer is poised to team up with Internet search leader Google Inc. in a double-barreled attack on Microsoft Corp. 05/21/2007

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    IBM To Launch Power6 Chip Next Month

    IBM Corp. said Monday that its new Power6 microprocessor will go on sale next month, boasting twice the clock speed of the previous generation while consuming roughly the same amount of power. 05/21/2007

  • OpenDoc Gets Redmond Boost

    Plus, Microsoft looks at the future of Windows Server 2008, the 32-bit OS might be nearing the end of the road, and more. 05/21/2007

  • News

    Quest Tools for Exchange Migrators

    Quest Software Inc. and Microsoft are teaming up to offer a new incentive program for partners that conduct migrations to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. 05/20/2007

  • News Inc. Acquires Koral Inc. April 10, 2007

    An inside look at prominent deals within the Microsoft partner community. Part of an occasional series. 05/20/2007

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    SaaS Partnerships: New Horizons, Old Hurdles

    An industry report describes big changes for partners under a Software as a Service model, but nettlesome compensation issues still remain. 05/20/2007

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    Gold Club List

  • News

    Microsoft Reorganizes

    Microsoft is doing some reorganizing, including one of its largest and most profitable business units. 05/18/2007

  • Microsoft Licensing Survey and Contest!

    Here's your chance to win consulting time or a Redmond T-shirt just by letting Scott know your most pressing licensing questions! Plus, why you don't want to let the the "tail wag the dog" when it comes to software. 05/18/2007

  • News

    Personal Information on Lucent Employees Missing

    A computer disk containing personal information on thousands of Lucent employees and retirees has been missing for at least 10 days, Alcatel-Lucent said Thursday. 05/18/2007

  • News

    Microsoft Gets Its Online Advertising Company

    After missing out on DoubleClick and other high-profile companies, Microsoft finally got its foot in the Internet advertising door by buying aQuantive Inc. for $6 billion in cash. 05/18/2007

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    'Hundred Dollar Laptop' Makes South American Debut

    The machines are the first in South America from the much-publicized "One Laptop Per Child" project, which hopes to put low-cost portable PCs in the hands of children in developing countries. 05/18/2007

  • Microsoft's $6 Billion Ad Firm

    A TV metaphor springs to mind as Redmond shells out big bucks to patch together its online ad business. 05/18/2007

  • News

    Online Advertiser Buying Spree Continues

    WPP Group PLC, the world's second-largest advertising and marketing conglomerate, is buying the online advertising company 24/7 Real Media Inc. for $649 million, the companies announced Thursday. 05/17/2007

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    Microsoft Supports Rival Office Document Format

    Microsoft is supporting a chief rival to its Office suite for approval to a national standards board. 05/17/2007

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    New Web Site Opens Technology to Women, Minority-Owned Businesses

    Women and minority-owned businesses have a new technical training partner: Biz Tech-Connect. Microsoft is part of a consortium of companies that designed the free Web resource to help women and minority entrepreneurs use the Internet and other technology to help grow their businesses. 05/17/2007

  • News

    Is Vista Microsoft's Last 32-bit OS?

    Microsoft announced at the Windows Hardware Engineering Conference this week that the mid-cycle, R2 release of Windows Server 2008 will be 64-bit only. Some have extrapolated that to mean that Windows Vista will be the final 32-bit desktop OS from Microsoft. Not so, according to a company blog. 05/17/2007

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    N.Y. Attorney General Sues Dell

    New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday accused Dell Inc. and its financial services affiliate of "bait and switch" advertising and failing to deliver on promised customer service. 05/17/2007

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    Microsoft Unveils Windows Server Roadmap

    Windows Server 2008 general availability is still months away, but Microsoft already has plans for a Windows Server 2008 R2 release in 2009. 05/17/2007

  • Is SAP Making a Deal With "the Devil"?

    SAP apparently reacts to competition from Oracle by inking a database integration deal with Redmond. 05/17/2007

  • News

    Next Gen of Wi-Fi Planned for Summer

    The next generation of wireless Internet products certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance is expected to hit shelves this summer, even though a final standard for the technology isn't due for another year, the industry group says. 05/16/2007

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    Google's Search Engine Goes Universal

    In its latest technological leap, online search leader Google Inc. will begin showing videos on its main results page Wednesday along with photos, books and other content previously separated into different categories. 05/16/2007

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    Hewlett-Packard 2Q Profit Falls 7 Pct

    Hewlett-Packard Co.'s second-quarter profit fell 7 percent despite a dramatic rise in sales of personal computers and servers, narrowly beating Wall Street's forecast. 05/16/2007

  • News

    IBM Loses Retirees' Personal Info

    IBM Corp., one of the world's leading providers of encryption and other data-management technologies, is in the uncomfortable position of trying to solve its own mystery involving missing computer tapes with sensitive information about employees and records of customer transactions. 05/16/2007

  • News

    New Web Site Opens Technology to Women, Minority-Owned Businesses

    Women and minority-owned businesses have a new technical training partner: Biz Tech-Connect. 05/16/2007

  • Gates: Vista Is Fastest-Selling OS Ever

    Microsoft's chairman debunks naysayers with sales figures. 05/16/2007

  • News

    VoIP, Conferencing Added to Office Communication Server 2007 Beta

    Microsoft's unified communications picture is making one more push before seeing the light of day this summer in the form of deployable products. 05/15/2007

  • Doing Integration Right

    When it comes to tackling integration, you'd be hard-pressed to find a company that does it better than FileEngine. 05/15/2007

  • Diving into the Virtual Pool

    The software development life cycle is enhanced by virtualization. An overview of what you should consider. 05/15/2007

  • News

    Gates Details Industry Support for Home Server, Unveils System Builder Edition

    Bill Gates unveiled a system builder-focused version of the forthcoming Windows Home Server and detailed industry support for WHS. 05/15/2007

  • News

    CodeGear Readies C++ and Ruby on Rails IDEs

    Despite a tumultuous 15 months, Borland's developer tools subsidiary CodeGear is cranking out products. Spun off as a subsidiary in November, CodeGear expects to ship a major revision of its C++ Builder integrated development environment (IDE) next month. A commercial Ruby on Rails IDE for enterprise Web development is slated for the second half of this year. Both products were announced this week. 05/15/2007

  • News

    Software Group: Piracy Losses Growing

    The rate of global software piracy has remained static for three years, but the cost to companies that make the programs is rising, the Business Software Alliance said Tuesday. 05/15/2007

  • News

    It's Official: 'Longhorn' Is Now Windows Server 2008

    Bill Gates confirmed that the next version of Windows Server, formerly code-named "Longhorn," will be called "Windows Server 2008." 05/15/2007

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    Gates: 40 Million Vista Licenses in First 100 Days

    Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates said today that Microsoft has sold 40 million licenses for its Vista operating system in the first 100 days of release. 05/15/2007

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    UPDATED: Microsoft Claims Open Source Patent Infringements

    Microsoft says that the open source software community is infringing on its patents, and wants the community to pony up for what it considers theft of its intellectual property, in the form of royalties. 05/14/2007

  • More Flash for Flash Cards

    Microsoft and SanDisk team up to bring you better flash drives. 05/14/2007

  • New 'Net Names Near

    Internet agency set to approve new domain names for 2008. 05/14/2007

  • Longhorn Name Dropping

    A Longhorn by any other name...sounds really boring. 05/14/2007

  • Patent Storm Brewing

    Microsoft tells open source community: Pay up! 05/14/2007

  • Virtually Gone

    Microsoft pares down Viridian to get it out the door. 05/14/2007

  • News

    Microsoft, SanDisk Partner on Flash Drives

    Microsoft Corp. and SanDisk Corp. recently announced that they are partnering on the next generation of USB's flash drives and memory cards. 05/11/2007

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