
  • News

    Microsoft Partners With Partners To Promote Early Access to CRM Live

    DENVER -- Microsoft is launching a partner-driven program to promote early adoption of Dynamics Live CRM, the company announced Tuesday at the Worldwide Partner Conference in Denver. 07/10/2007

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    'Launch Wave' of Microsoft Products Coming in 2008

    Feb. 27, 2008 promises to be one of the most important dates in Microsoft's 33-year history, as it will release a host of major new products, including Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008. 07/10/2007

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    SOA Trends Indicated in IBM Survey

    Attendees at IBM's Impact 2007 event held in May had some interesting opinions on their companies' plans for service-oriented architectures (SOAs). IBM commissioned the Link Group, a marketing research firm, to conduct the survey. The exact number of respondents wasn't disclosed in an IBM press release describing the survey's findings. 07/10/2007

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    Dell Introduces New Small-Business PCs

    Dell Inc. is launching a new line of notebook and desktop personal computers called "Vostro" that are aimed at small businesses with 25 or fewer employees. 07/10/2007

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    Microsoft Patches Three Critical Flaws

    With this week's Patch Tuesday release, Microsoft kicked off its monthly patching exercise with three critical security bulletins. 07/10/2007

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    Launch Wave' of Microsoft Products Coming in 2008

    On Feb. 27, 2008 Microsoft plans to release a host of major new products, including Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008. 07/09/2007

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    Windows Vista SP1 Gets Fast-Tracked

    Windows Vista Service Pack (SP)1 is back on track. 07/09/2007

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    Intel To Buy $218.5M Stake in VMware

    Intel Corp., the world's largest chip maker, will invest $218.5 million in virtualization software maker VMware Inc., the companies announced Monday. 07/09/2007

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    Google Buys Postini for $625 Million

    Google Inc. is buying e-mail security specialist Postini Inc. for $625 million, fortifying the Internet search leader's effort to sell online software services to corporate customers seeking alternatives to Microsoft Corp.'s long-dominant products. 07/09/2007

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    Report: Software Assurance Rankles Customers

    Microsoft's Software Assurance (SA) licensing program could be in big trouble, with many customers feeling they're not getting their money's worth, according to a survey from Forrester Research. 07/09/2007

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    D&H Distributing Opens Canadian Subsidiary

    D&H Distributing, the Harrisburg, Pa.-based computer distributor focused on SMB resellers, on Monday opened a subsidiary in Canada. 07/09/2007

  • Microsoft Reorg To Breathe Life in Live

  • The Red Ring of Death

  • Microsoft Loves GPLv3...Not!

  • 3 Critical Fixes Due Tomorrow

  • Mailbag: Want To Work for Microsoft?, When 'Cheap' Isn't Cheap, More

  • Google Jr.?

  • News

    Uniloc Releases Improved Copy Protection Solution

    Uniloc USA Inc. has released the next version of its software copy protection solution. The new softAnchor 5.0 suite allows publishers to add macros to their software for product validation and better control of license use. Publishers use softAnchor 5.0 to insert about 30 to 50 lines of code anywhere into their software. The code lets software publishers audit the use of copies of their software and protect against software piracy. 07/06/2007

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    W3C Releases Web Services Protocol

    Last week, the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) finalized Web Services Description Language 2.0 (WSDL 2.0) as a W3C recommendation. The action aims to promote greater interoperability and standardization for Web services. WSDL 2.0 is a protocol for defining a Web service, providing information on how the service is called and what to expect in response. 07/06/2007

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    Microsoft To Converge Its Windows Live Efforts

    Microsoft continues to tweak its "Live" services effort, converging its current Windows Live Platform and Windows Live Core efforts, a company spokeswoman confirmed Thursday afternoon. 07/06/2007

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    Microsoft Closer to aQuantive Purchase

    Microsoft moved one step nearer to its full-force entry into the online advertising market Friday, when a federally mandated waiting period expired. 07/06/2007

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    Microsoft Plans Canada Software Center

    Microsoft Corp. plans to open a software development center in Canada this fall to attract talent and avoid U.S. immigration issues. 07/06/2007

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    Microsoft Rejects Latest Open Source License

    The Microsoft-Novell Linux alliance may have gotten shakier, with Microsoft saying it doesn't recognize the latest version of the standard license for open source software (OSS). 07/06/2007

  • Microsoft Buys Two More Data Centers

    Redmond sets its sights on hosting capacity with latest acquisitions. 07/06/2007

  • A New Vista Comes Into the World

    Marketing campaign gets reborn, kicking and screaming. 07/06/2007

  • RCP's Guide to Setting Up Shop in Seattle

    Learn how to get close to Redmond -- in that other town. 07/06/2007

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    Three Critical Patches on Tap for Tuesday

    The Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) plans to publish six security bulletins next Tuesday, according to Thursday's advance notification. 07/05/2007

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    New-Gen Certifications Retirement Policy Changing

    Holders of the premium MCITP or MCPD titles will have to take refresh exam to maintain status; policy to go into effect in about two years. 07/05/2007

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    Tech Firms Tap Into the 'Green' Movement

    Being "green" is all the rage with technology companies these days, but what's not clear is whether or not the environment-friendly approach is bringing in more greenbacks. 07/05/2007

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    Xbox 360 Repairs Will Cost Microsoft $1B

    Microsoft Corp. said Thursday it expects to spend more than $1 billion to repair widespread hardware problems in its Xbox 360 video game console after a large number of them broke down. 07/05/2007

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    Google-DoubleClick Deal Draws Criticism

    Europe's major consumer group BEUC said Wednesday that it feared Internet search engine Google Inc.'s takeover of online ad tracker DoubleClick Inc. would damage European Union privacy rights and limit consumers' choice of Web content. 07/05/2007

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    Sanyo to Make More Laptop Batteries

    Osaka-based electronics maker Sanyo Electric Co. said Wednesday it will spend 30 billion yen ($245 million) to boost output of lithium-ion batteries for laptop computers. 07/05/2007

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    Dell Sees Growth in Asia

    Dell Inc. expects shipments of personal computers, notebooks and servers in Asia excluding China, Japan and South Korea to grow almost 20 percent in 2007, a company executive said Thursday. 07/05/2007

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    Microsoft Releases New CTP for ADO.NET Entity Framework

    Microsoft has released a new community technology preview of the ADO.NET Entity Framework, which allows coders to program against data defined in a conceptual fashion instead of directly interacting with information stored in traditional table-and-column fashion. 07/03/2007

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    SAP: Unit Made 'Inappropriate Downloads'

    Software company SAP AG acknowledged Tuesday that one of its units made "inappropriate downloads" of Oracle Corp. computer code for fixes and support documents, responding to a lawsuit filed by its rival. 07/03/2007

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    Google Goes Back to Court Over Vista Desktop Search

    Google remains undaunted in its quest to become a legal player in the battle to keep Windows Vista's desktop search subject to federal scrutiny. 07/03/2007

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    Windows Plans on the Wane for Developers

    North American software developers are expecting to devote less of their efforts toward developing for the Microsoft Windows operating system, with some of the slack being absorbed by Linux and niche operating systems, according to a survey conducted by Evans Data Corp. 07/03/2007

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    Tibco Rolls Out New BPM Solution

    Tibco Software has issued a new release of its business process management (BPM) solution, called iProcess Suite 10.6. 07/03/2007

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    iPhone Lure Used in Hacker Exploit

    The iPhone hype makes it a natural target -- by scammers looking to sell Apple's first cell phone for a huge markup, and also by hackers looking to add to their bot networks. 07/02/2007

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    Cyber Attacks Engulf Kremlin's Critics

    A political battle is raging in Russian cyberspace. Opposition parties and independent media say murky forces have committed vast resources to hacking and crippling their Web sites in attacks similar to those that hit tech-savvy Estonia as the Baltic nation sparred with Russia over a Soviet war memorial. 07/02/2007

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    Layer 7 Virtualizes SOA Security Solution

    Virtualization rocketed to the top of the gotta-have-it technology list a few years ago, primarily as a means of consolidating servers. But since that initial resurgence, vendors have been finding other applications for the technologies that provide a layer of abstraction between hardware systems and the software running on them. 07/02/2007

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    Massachusetts Considering Microsoft's New Document Format

    Massachusetts has decided that Microsoft's latest format may meet its standards. 07/02/2007

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    Ohio's Laptops Often Stolen or Missing

    In Dayton, a state employee returns to work to find a $2,000 computer stolen. In Cleveland, someone walks into an unlocked office and takes a $2,200 laptop belonging to the state auditor's office. 07/02/2007

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    Vista Ultimate Customers Await Their 'Extras'

    Vista Ultimate has been out more than half a year now, and several prominent Windows bloggers have been asking when more Extras are coming. 07/02/2007

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    Business Process Management: SOA's Reason for Being?

    A service-oriented architecture (SOA) is supposed to bring flexibility to IT resources and lower costs by letting IT personnel reuse software components instead of coding from scratch. However, some experts have suggested that reuse -- the principal justification in most cost-benefit analyses for SOA -- might amount to just 10 percent. 07/02/2007

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    Moonlight in Paris

    In a move that could broaden the appeal of Microsoft's new Silverlight rich Internet application plug-in to both the .NET and open source communities, a group of developers has demonstrated Silverlight-based multimedia running on a Linux-based system. 07/02/2007

  • New Linux License To Put the Hurt on Microsoft -- Maybe

    Version 3 of the General Public License adds more grist for the mills in legal skirmish over open source software patents. 07/02/2007

  • Redmond To Make It Easier To Ditch Vista

    IT support personnel are getting a simpler way to exercise their "downgrade rights." 07/02/2007

  • Hackers Hit Microsoft U.K. Web Site

    Culprits apparently carried out a SQL injection attack. 07/02/2007

  • Microsoft's Dynamics Power Play

    What does Redmond's recent exec shuffling really mean for its Business Solutions biz? 07/02/2007

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