
IT Agenda 2014

Priorities include datacenter modernization and support for mobile, cloud, social and big data initiatives,while Windows XP migration tops the list.


System Center's VM Manager Aims to Connect Private and Hybrid Clouds

The new manager found in System Center 2012 R2 allows for simple resource movement between environments.

Microsoft's Changing Developer Tool Focus

Besides bringing more programmers into the fold, the key to Windows success will be support for additional languages in Visual Studio.

Windows Server 2012 R2's Hyper-V Networking Improvements

Microsoft's tweaks make it easier to fail over to a second datacenter when issues occur.

Microsoft Steps Up Windows Cadence

The new mobile-centric vision for Windows 8 will have IT pros running to keep up.

IT's 2014 Agenda: Platform Migration and Tighten Security

Migrating to new platforms such as mobile devices and the cloud, boosting security and new usage models such as social networking and analyzing big data in real time, will drive this year's IT initiatives.

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