Symantec Brings Deduplication to Midsize Compnanies

The folks at Symantec are all about deduplication these days; they even have a sort of manifesto-type thing about it.

This week, Symantec revealed that it will release in February NetBackup 7, which will bring all sorts of capabilities to big companies, including deduplication. It'll also roll out Backup Exec 2010, which will bring deduplication down to midsize businesses. Partners, take note.

"Primarily in the past, [deduplication] has been an enterprise-class technology," a Symantec official told RCPU last week. "[A] Windows IT administrator can now easily implement this in the environment they're familiar with."  

Posted by Lee Pender on 01/25/2010 at 1:22 PM0 comments

Gates Warns on Economy; Gartner Positive on Spending

Tell us, Bill, is it all going to be OK? Bill Gates isn't so sure about this economic recovery we're supposed to be having. He says it'll take "years of digging out" before the economy really becomes stable again. And he says taxes will probably have to go up in order to balance the federal budget here in the U.S. Ouch. Bill, we're not saying you're wrong (RCPU, too, fears that a true recovery will take a very long time -- if it happens), but we liked you better when you were hocking new versions of Microsoft products at Comdex.

Gartner, meanwhile, joins the small chorus of tech analysts (the other we can think of being Forrester) telling us that IT spending will bounce back in 2010. Well, it would almost have to, wouldn't it?

Posted by Lee Pender on 01/25/2010 at 1:22 PM4 comments

Bill Gates Is on Twitter...When It's Working

The former Microsoft employee has given in to the wicked 140-word (or fewer) temptations of the vile social networking site (where, of course, you can follow RCPU at Apparently, he's got some odd following preferences and some annoying new online friends.

The good news about Twitter this week is that it went down again for a while on Wednesday morning. Your editor is an ardent opponent of the whole concept of Twitter and would love to see (with apologies to the folks who work there) the whole operation silenced forever. Until that happens, though, that link again for following RCPU on Twitter is

Posted by Lee Pender on 01/21/2010 at 1:22 PM1 comments

Microsoft, IBM Spar over Panasonic Deal

Well, this just doesn't seem like friendly competition at all. After IBM announced last week that Panasonic was ditching Exchange for the hosted LotusLive e-mail offering, Microsoft started grousing about the deal.

An Exchange product manager at Microsoft claimed that fewer than 4 percent of Panasonic employees had been using Exchange before the IBM deal, anyway, and that Lotus was still getting clobbered in the collaboration market. IBM responded with something along the lines of "nuh-uh," saying that more than 4 percent of Panasonic workers had been using Exchange...and the back and forth just kind of went on from there.

What was the point of all of this bickering? We're not sure. It's true that IBM's win represents a big victory over Microsoft and a triumph for the cloud itself, but why would Microsoft want to start publicly picking it apart? To us, grumbling from Redmond about the deal not only sounds like sour grapes but also calls attention to a high-profile customer loss, something Microsoft and its channel probably don't want to do.

From what we've observed, Exchange really is taking it to Lotus Notes in the collaboration market. (Anybody with numbers to the contrary should send them to us.) Maybe Microsoft should talk about that -- which, to be fair, the product manager tried to do -- rather than moan about the details of a deal lost. And maybe pushing hosted Exchange and talking about Azure in more specific terms (the latter of which Microsoft is starting to do) would also be good ideas. Sometimes Redmond just baffles us.

How do you handle the loss of a big account? Send your answer to [email protected].

Posted by Lee Pender on 01/21/2010 at 1:22 PM0 comments

Microsoft To Patch Internet Explorer Today

If you took France and Germany's extremely overbearing and inappropriate advice and switched from Internet Explorer to some other browser, you might have jumped the gun just a bit. Microsoft says that it's patching today the IE vulnerability that left the browser open to attacks.

So, did the Euros freak out a little bit in telling people to dump IE, or were they just looking for another reason to try to dump on Microsoft? We wonder...but not all that much.

Posted by Lee Pender on 01/21/2010 at 1:22 PM0 comments

Redmond Talks to Congress About Cloud Policy

This article is interesting enough, as Microsoft wants Congress to protect cloud data and is advocating policies in that direction. But what we really like is the photo on this page and the second comment underneath the article. Pretty good stuff.

Posted by Lee Pender on 01/21/2010 at 1:22 PM0 comments

There's a Date for SQL Server 2008 R2

The title of this entry would have rhymed had it not been for that pesky "R2" at the end. But that's kind of the important bit, isn't it? Anyway, Microsoft says that the latest version of SQL Server will be available in May, just in time for partners to start selling it before Microsoft's fiscal year ends at the end of June.

Posted by Lee Pender on 01/20/2010 at 1:22 PM1 comments

Microsoft and Europe Just Don't Get Along

After settling the long-running IE antitrust mess by compromising on a browser menu, Microsoft and European officials are going at it tooth and nail again. And, as usual, the Eurocrats are the party on the attack.

This time, though, it's just bizarre. And the Euros have way overstepped their bounds. In light of revelations that hackers used a security flaw in IE to attack Google and other firms, the French and German governments -- get this -- officially recommended that users move away from IE and employ some other browser.

Not surprisingly, IE, which is struggling to hold market share worldwide and especially in Europe, has taken a hit as a result, to the advantage of its rivals. For its part, Microsoft says that the only successful attacks thus far have come though IE 6 and that it's working on investigating the hacks. Redmond is also recommending (not surprisingly) that users upgrade to IE 8 -- although exactly how that would help is unclear, given that IE 8 seems to be vulnerable, as well. Check this out from's story (second link from the top) on this incident:

Most versions of IE have the vulnerability. IE 6 Service Pack 1 on Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4 has the bug. Moreover, the flaw exists in IE 6, IE 7 and IE 8 on supported editions of Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7, plus Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

Strange, but never mind all that. What the French and German governments have done goes way beyond what their purview should include. It's one thing to warn consumers about a faulty product -- especially if it's one that can cost lives, such as a leaky gas tank on a car, or flammable baby clothes, or an exploding MP3 player or some such. But as far as we know, a hacker attack on a corporate target has never killed anybody. Caused some damage, sure (mainly financial), but not left a trail of casualties in its wake.

Beyond that, pretty much every piece of software in existence is vulnerable to attack somehow, especially browsers and operating systems. Microsoft gets hit more often and more publicly than most other companies because many of its products tend to be ubiquitous around the world. But other browsers have security holes, too. IE isn't the only victim -- or culprit, depending on your perspective. We don't know, though, of any other case of governments warning people this strongly not to use a particular application.

And it's not just a warning, either. This is where what France and Germany are doing really goes over the line. They're actually suggesting that users switch to another browser. That is simply astonishing. Once again, all browsers have vulnerabilities of some sort -- or can, at least. Furthermore, to reiterate what we said earlier, while governments might play a legitimate role in letting citizens know that there's a problem with a particular product (although it still seems overblown in this case), suggesting that people use some competitive product is way out of the range of what governments should be doing.

Just look at what the French site actually says:

Dans l'attente d'un correctif de l'éditeur, Le CERTA recommande l'utilisation d'un navigateur alternatif.

That translates to, "In waiting for a correction from the publisher, CERTA recommends the use of an alternative browser."

Wow. This isn't "be careful" or "watch out for this" or "you should be aware that this is happening." This is "switch products." There's a robust technology press in France and Germany (not to mention here in the U.S.) that serves the purpose of delivering technology news, dispensing warnings about certain products and giving advice about what to do in a particular situation. If (that's fictional -- there isn't one) wants to tell folks to move away from IE, fine -- although, even as Firefox users here at RCPU, we'd still consider it unnecessary advice.

But for the government to tell people to switch products? Legal or not, it's too much. We've said here many times before that the EU's pursuit of Microsoft on antitrust grounds smacks of resentment about a big American company being so powerful across the pond. What France and Germany have done this week sends even stronger signals that Europe just doesn't like Microsoft.

Maybe Microsoft should just pull out of the continent and leave the Europeans to fend for themselves on Linux and and open source server software. For some people (who will surely comment on this entry in some way), that would be utopia. But we're guessing that for most folks, it would be a nightmare.

Do you think governments should tell people which products not to use? Sound off at [email protected].

Posted by Lee Pender on 01/20/2010 at 1:22 PM5 comments

Google, Microsoft Square off Over Cloud in NYC

Jeff Schwartz takes us inside the pitched battle between two companies and two very different models.

Posted by Lee Pender on 01/20/2010 at 1:22 PM0 comments

IBM and Lotus Storm into the Cloud

Just when you thought Lotus was becoming as distant a memory as Jeff Papows' term there as CEO, Big Blue and its collaboration company have come storming back. This time, the cloud is the battlefield.

This week, Panasonic ditched exchange for LotusLive, IBM's hosted e-mail system. And Lotus is also playing a key role in the launch of a collaboration-equipped BlackBerry. Suddenly, the cloud is giving way to a Big Blue sky. (OK, we'll keep working on those metaphors.)

Posted by Lee Pender on 01/20/2010 at 1:22 PM0 comments

Microsoft, HP Expand Partnership into Online Services

The two longtime, long-term partners plan to spend $250 million over the next three years on cloud and virtualization technologies. This is an important story, actually...but we're not going to tell it. We'll leave that to Jeff Schwartz, who covered the announcement for here and in his blog. So, yeah, if you want to read about Microsoft and HP, you're just going to have to boost our hit count. But it's worth it!  

Posted by Lee Pender on 01/14/2010 at 1:22 PM0 comments

CA Buys Oblicore

Oblicore is not only a fun word to say (roll it around a few times); it's also a business-performance management vendor that measures IT performance...and now belongs to CA.

Posted by Lee Pender on 01/14/2010 at 1:22 PM0 comments

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