Software Maker CA to Cut 1000 Jobs

The economic recovery -- if it really exists -- hasn't made it to CA yet. The company said this week that it's cutting 8 percent of its workforce and that profits will be toward the low end of what officials had forecasted.

Posted by Lee Pender on 04/07/2010 at 1:23 PM0 comments

Microsoft's Secret is Pink (We Think)

Welcome to a non-iPad edition of RCPU. Seriously, we're so tired of reading about that bloated iPhone (which isn't even really a phone) that we're determined not to talk about it this week -- although that's going to be hard to do given that it's dominating tech news the way a young Mike Tyson dominated opponents.

Anyway, it's Microsoft that will most likely be trying to make mobile-device news next week. We told you earlier this week that Redmond sent cryptic invitations for a mysterious event to be held on April 12. Well, as usual, the secret wasn't a secret for long. It looks as though (although Microsoft hasn't confirmed this) Microsoft really will be unveiling its “Pink” line of phones next week.

This whole Pink thing is aimed at young folks who just can't get themselves off of the Twitter and the Facebook, so it won't likely have an enterprise impact. Pink's platform will look a bit like Windows Phone 7, but the devices won't run the same applications -- or so reports The Wall Street Journal in the link above. That leads us to wonder: Why is Microsoft doing this? Why does Microsoft always have to come up with multiple names and platforms for the same category of device?

Why couldn't Windows Phone 7 just do what Pink phones will do and vice versa? Maybe Microsoft will answer all of these questions on Monday, but for now we just don't see the point of Pink. An iPhone is, after all, an iPhone, right? Aside from maybe different levels of storage, we're not aware of multiple models of iPhones with some that do some things and others that don't. Microsoft, we hope you know what you're doing here with Pink. We hope we'll get an explanation on Monday.

Do you understand Microsoft's mobile strategy? Do you care about it? Sound off at [email protected].

Posted by Lee Pender on 04/07/2010 at 1:23 PM1 comments

Microsoft Sets Date for Secret Event

April 12 now has an air of intrigue surrounding it, as Microsoft has set a secret event for that date. It probably has something to do with phones, most pundits seem to think, and might even be the unveiling of Microsoft's "Pink" mobile project. It'll have to be a pretty cool event to surpass iPad mania. For reasons we still don't entirely understand, folks lined up all over the U.S. and bought 300,000 iPads on the first day of availability for a device that looks like an iPhone with elephantitis.

Posted by Lee Pender on 04/05/2010 at 1:23 PM1 comments

SQL Server 2008 R2: Party in April, Launch in May

When is a launch event not really a launch event? When it's more of a launch pre-party. Microsoft is holding a SQL Server 2008 R2 "launch event" in Germany this month, but don't let the nomenclature fool you; the next version of SQL Server is still due to actually launch in May. The April event is just some sort of pre-celebration of the May unveiling. With that in mind, we're going to celebrate Wednesday's RCPU tonight with a couple of cocktails and some foul-smelling cheese. Cheers!

Posted by Lee Pender on 04/05/2010 at 1:23 PM0 comments

Windows 7 Catching Vista in Market Share

Yes, we know what you're thinking: Vista has market share? Oddly enough, it does. But its number is shrinking all the time with a new competitor on its heels -- Windows 7.

Net Applications says that Windows 7 now has 10 percent market share, just a few months after the October launch of the popular new operating system. Vista, by comparison, didn't pass 10 percent share until May 2008 -- well more than a year after its launch.

But you knew already that Vista isn't popular. And that's not really the point here. The point is that Windows XP, the old standby, is down to "only" about 65 percent market share. It's a sign that consumers are making the slow slog to Windows 7 from both Vista and XP -- even if RCPU readers remain dedicated XP fans (and even though Microsoft still hasn't provided an upgrade path from XP to 7).

If consumers are making the switch, then enterprises will eventually change over as folks get used to using Windows 7 as their default OS. Pretty much every metric at this juncture points to Windows 7 as being the next XP, the next long-term Microsoft OS. The only metric that doesn't point in that direction is feedback we get from readers and enterprise users. But we suspect that a larger number of partners and IT folks would be more bullish about Windows 7 if Microsoft would just put the Vista fantasy aside and let folks upgrade easily from XP. Maybe if we keep saying this, somebody in Redmond will pay attention.

In the meantime, the specter of XP continues to loom large, even if the venerable OS is finally showing signs of fading. Catching Vista shouldn't be a problem for Windows 7. Catching XP will be another task altogether -- one that would go faster if Microsoft would just help it along a bit.

What will it take for your customers or your company to move to Windows 7? Sound off at [email protected].

Posted by Lee Pender on 04/05/2010 at 1:23 PM2 comments

Clearing up Microsoft's Cloud Offering

Microsoft this week shed some light on its cloud strategy by stating that Azure will have virtual-machine support, but there are still plenty of questions about Microsoft and the cloud floating around. Well, we're here to help. The answers to a lot of those questions are here. You're welcome.

Posted by Lee Pender on 04/01/2010 at 1:22 PM0 comments

SCO Loses UNIX Lawsuit

After 15 years of bickering between literal non-entity SCO (the company went bankrupt two years ago) and Novell, a jury in Salt Lake City has ruled that Novell owns the rights to UNIX after all. What's really rich here is that SCO is going to try to persuade a judge to give the copyrights to SCO despite the jury's ruling. So, never mind that whole jury trial that, by the way, was years in the making. SCO will just get a judge to overturn the whole thing (or try to, anyway -- we're guessing that the "company" won't be too successful). Gotta love our justice system…

Posted by Lee Pender on 04/01/2010 at 1:23 PM1 comments

Reader Feedback Returns! And Windows XP Lives!

An old commercial for canned chili used to feature a cowboy-type guy looking at the camera and saying, "Neighbor, how long has it been since you had a big, thick, steamin' bowl of Wolf Brand Chili? Well, that's too long."

And so we ask: Reader, how long has it been since RCPU last ran reader feedback? Actually, we have no idea. But it has been way too long -- and, yes, your editor is going to buy some canned chili on the way home tonight. This week, we dive first into the eternal struggle for the desktop between Windows 7 and Windows XP. OK, so maybe it's not eternal, but it could go on for a while if these e-mails are any indication.

For our first e-mail, we go all the way back to February for this comment from Peter, who is now officially in the RCPU e-mail hall of fame (our would be if we had one). Our good friend Peter weighed in thusly:

"I have spoken to many people about upgrading form Windows XP to Windows 7. The main consensus seems to be that it simply isn't worth it. XP works just fine.  Microsoft, as far as I am aware, has not provided any direct migration tools from XP straight to Win7. You can't just pop in a disk and say, 'Take me to Windows 7.'  Last time I looked, Microsoft seemed to expect folks to trash their old-faithful XP systems and start all over again. There seemed to be a path to Vista and then to Win 7, but you'd have to have rocks in your head to do that (hopefully good old Microsoft has already provided a direct migration path by now from XP and I just haven't noticed)."

We're sorry to tell you this, but if Microsoft has provided a migration path, we haven't noticed it, either. That's because there isn't one… although there should be. And we agree that XP works just fine. But for how much longer will it work just fine, and how many new applications will it support?  Ken, another RCPU e-mail legend, actually has something of an answer for us:

"I still think consumers buy what they want, need and can afford. On that score, XP still does everything a home user or small-business user wants at no new cost and will arguably last at least until 2014.

When Windows 95 and 98 were phased out, XP offered significant advantages and was popular over the first two. Windows Vista and 7 do NOT enjoy the same interface popularity, nor do my clients like ribbon interfaces."

Ah, yes, the ribbon… that has been a sticking point for a lot of users. So, Ken figures we have until 2014 at a minimum with XP. Well, a lot of legacy enterprise applications don't yet work with Windows 7, so that'll help XP hang on for a while. And, again, that lack of a migration path is a problem. But how will computing look four years from now? Will XP and the applications of 2010 still be useful?

It's hard to imagine XP still going strong in its thirteenth year, especially since Windows 8 could conceivably be out by then. It seems unlikely that Microsoft would let XP hang on that long. Then again, who would have predicted in 2001 that XP would still be going strong almost 10 years later? And Ken has more people on his side than we do. Take, for instance, Steven, who says that while Windows 7 is fine for home, it's not going to fly at work -- at least for now.

"I find it quite interesting that Microsoft has not addressed and seems to not want to address the large base still using XP when it comes to upgrading that OS to Windows 7. As a Director of IT, I did upgrade a few of my home PCs from XP to Vista and then to Windows 7, mostly so I wouldn't have to reinstall everything from scratch. I have done this three times, and for the most part it has worked well; it took forever, but did work. I did have to fix some drivers and applications, and fortunately I know how to do these kinds of things.

I would, however, not even think about doing this in my work environment. If Microsoft made it possible to upgrade the large base of XP users to Windows 7 easily, I think there would be no reason or desire to stay on XP at all. Windows 7 is so much better than XP. I disliked how buggy Vista was, and after testing it we decided not to upgrade because we needed an OS that performed well. Now, without an easy upgrade path to Windows 7, it will take us more time to move our XP environment to Windows 7."

Hey, Microsoft, do you have the message yet? Lots of enterprise users want an upgrade path from XP to Windows 7. We know that Windows 7 is selling well, but if you want it to get a foothold in the enterprise, let folks make the move that they want to make -- XP to Windows 7 -- and let them make it easily. Vista was a dud; we all know that. It's time to cut out the Vista middleman (or the middle-OS) and offer that path from XP to 7. Without it, we might really be looking at XP hanging on until 2014.

We've had some great e-mails on Windows Phone 7, and we're going to get to those soon. In the meantime, send your thoughts on anything and everything to [email protected]. Reader feedback is back. Be a part of it!

Posted by Lee Pender on 04/01/2010 at 1:23 PM6 comments

Microsoft Issues Patches for IE Holes

IE8 and Windows 7 users, don't worry about this. The rest of up.

Posted by Lee Pender on 03/31/2010 at 1:22 PM0 comments

StorageCraft Introduces Simultaneous Backup and Restore

The folks at StorageCraft are launching a new product, ShadowProtect Server 4.0, on April 21. It's full of enhanced and useful functionality, but there's one add-on to it that caught RCPU's attention during a lunch meeting this week. (By the way, we never miss an excuse to go to lunch, especially at Casa Brasil on Route 9 in Framingham.) 

The new product is called ImageManager Enterprise, and it's a pay version of the ImageManager tool that has long come with ShadowProtect. However, it might be very much worth the investment because it does a really cool thing--it actually restores data as it's backing it up.

Yes, a function called Head-Start Restore in ImageManager Enterprise immediately starts restoring data as soon as it starts backing up that data, meaning that restore jobs--when they become necessary--are exceedingly fast because they're already done. There's no waiting for data restoration.

"An IT person can say, 'I did a restore of our 20TB server, and I know it's going to restore,'" Brandon Nordquist, vice president of product management for StorageCraft, told RCPU over Brazilian barbecue. And restore quickly--in about 20 minutes, Nordquist said.

StorageCraft will release ImageManager Enterprise on April 21 along with ShadowProtect Server 4.0. The company will charge by Head-Start Restore or replication job--$299 for the initial license fee with pricing tiered for additional jobs. Oh, and partners--StorageCraft generates more than 90 percent of its sales through the channel. Just FYI.

Posted by Lee Pender on 03/31/2010 at 1:22 PM0 comments

Users Happy with Windows 7 -- and with XP

Windows 7 is doing part of what Microsoft needed it to do. It's eliminating the specter of Vista and delighting customers. (There was a time when Microsoft folks used the word "delight" as if it was the last verb on the face of the earth.)

A Forrester Research study says that most early adopters are happy with Windows 7--86 percent, in fact. Great! The study also showed that, interestingly enough, plenty of consumers (43 percent) just plain went out and bought Windows 7 rather than obtaining it by buying a new PC.

That speaks well, we'd say, for the product--almost half of the Windows 7 users surveyed went out of their way to purchase and upgrade the new OS and install it on PCs they already had. That shows that there's interest in the OS itself; it isn't just gaining momentum as PC sales increase.

But (didn't you see this coming?) the survey also revealed that XP is hanging on to its user base and not letting go. Forrester's findings indicated that 43 percent of PC owners see no reason why they should move away from XP. We would argue, as we did earlier this week, that they'll start to see some reasons soon, but the XP die hards are...well, dying hard, we suppose.

Of course, all of this is just consumer stuff, but it's still an indicator of where Windows 7 is in users' minds right now. And, as all partners know, IT decision makers take their user bases heavily into account when making decisions on technology acquisitions--and particularly when deciding on something as universal as an operating system.

So, at this point, we'd say that folks like the idea of Windows 7 a little more than they like the idea of actually installing it. That might be the case in the enterprise as well--Windows 7 gets lots of love from IT folks, generally speaking, but how many of them have actually implemented it at their companies? Not as many as love it, we can say with some confidence. (They will, however, have until the end of the year to try the OS for free.)

Again, we at RCPU are still convinced that new servers and applications and other cool stuff coming from both Microsoft and third parties will make XP irrelevant and mostly useless fairly soon--probably within the next couple of years. And the good news here is that when XP does finally start to fade, there will be an excellent replacement waiting in the wings. Then, Windows 7 will do the other part of what it's supposed to do--conquer OS market share and line the pockets of Microsoft partners.

Keep the comments coming on XP and Windows 7. We might just run some of them this week. You can send them to [email protected].

Posted by Lee Pender on 03/31/2010 at 1:22 PM3 comments

Windows Server Users Can Get onto Amazon's Cloud

Amazon and Microsoft have cooked up an offering through which some Windows Server users can apply their licensed to Amazon's cloud offering.

Posted by Lee Pender on 03/29/2010 at 1:22 PM0 comments

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