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Microsoft Responds to Patch Tuesday Post

Last week, we mentioned that Microsoft's last Patch Tuesday wasn't as all-inclusive as it might have been regaring the Stuxnet worm. Well, late last week, we got an update from a Microsoft spokesperson who wanted to tell us that Microsoft hasn't just buried its head in the sand on Stuxnet. We quote:

"I just wanted to clarify that in total, the Stuxnet malware exploited four vulnerabilities. Microsoft has now issued security bulletins for two of those issues (the two most serious). For the Print Spooler vulnerability, addressed by MS10-061 this month, Microsoft collaborated with Kaspersky and Symantec to issue the security bulletin. For more information, please feel free to reference the MSRC blog post."

So, Microsoft did, at least, issue a couple of security bulletins in response to Stuxnet. They don't patch all the problems, but they're something. If you didn't know, you do now.

Posted by Lee Pender on 09/20/2010 at 1:23 PM


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