Pender's Blog

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Microsoft Publishes 'Fix it' for DLL Flaw

Let's not kid ourselves here. It's blazing hot outside by New England standards; your editor is working on a cover story for Redmond magazine on the 25th anniversary of Windows; Labor Day weekend is fast approaching, and Hurricane Earl might very well blow us right off the East Coast this weekend.

Today is not the day for bloviating, philosophizing or entertaining here at RCPU. It's a day to, quite literally, "mail it in," which is what we're doing. Absent any news of significant interest for commentary, we're leading with the fairly mundane but not unimportant story of Microsoft publishing a fix (not really a patch...but something) for a DLL flaw that's been running amok lately.

And...that's pretty much it. No witticisms, not pop-culture references, no flashpoint arguments. All you'll get here today is a wish for a nice long weekend and some impatience for the post-summer news machine to crank up again soon. Happy Labor Day, everybody. Stay safe out there.

Posted by Lee Pender on 09/02/2010 at 1:23 PM


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