Pender's Blog

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Windows 7: Change You Can Believe In?

Aside from ragging on the European Union once in a while and maybe throwing the odd Commie joke at the more extreme elements of the open source movement, we try to stay apolitical here at RCPU.

So, as you read this post, keep in mind that we're not making value judgments about our leaders, outgoing or incoming. But we are saying this: By pretty much any objective measure, Barack Obama is more popular than George W. Bush right now. There's a definite buzz around the president-elect, and we think it's fair to say that not too many folks are shedding tears about W's departure.

Why do we mention this? Because, in terms of popularity, Windows 7 is Barack Obama. And, yeah, that makes Vista George W. Bush. Last week, users clamored for the Windows 7 beta until Microsoft's servers just couldn't handle the traffic anymore -- and now, Microsoft has eliminated the limit on the number of users who can download the beta version.

Everybody wants a piece of Obama 7, but only hardcore fans are still rallying around George W. Vista. But is Windows 7 change we can believe in? Does it deliver hope? That's for beta testers to decide, and ultimately consumers and businesses will make the call. Thus far, the reviews look pretty good, but Windows 7 is a long way from taking office.

The expectations are high. The stakes are high -- maybe higher than ever before. They hype is reaching fever pitch. The outgoing figure is...not popular. We just can't help but see the parallels. Barack Obama will be in office long before Windows 7 comes out, but the two will always be tied in history. In our minds, anyway.

What do you want to hear in Windows 7's inauguration speech? Sound off at [email protected].

Posted by Lee Pender on 01/13/2009 at 1:22 PM


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