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Microsoft Flirts with AOL

Another short RCPU today, as duty calls at the mothership. It doesn't really matter, though, because we're in a news trough. About all there is to talk about is Microsoft flailing around looking to buy a Web company like a nerdy guy trying to find a dance partner at a junior high cotillion.

Now that Microsoft has backed off of Yahoo, Redmond is whispering in AOL's ear. Yes, that's right -- AOL. Please try to contain your laughter. This is a professional environment, mostly.

It's surely all a bid to make Yahoo jealous, though -- and it might be working. Whatever. We figure that Microsoft and Yahoo will end up together at some point, just as the nerdy guy and the pretty girl usually do in the movies. Of course, those movies never show what happens next, and that could be the ugly part for Microsoft and Yahoo if they do hook up.

Posted by Lee Pender on 05/07/2008 at 1:22 PM


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