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Windows 8: 4 Reasons Why You'll Upgrade

It isn't exactly around the corner, but Windows "8" ( or whatever it's finally called) will be here before you know it. Here are four reasons I think most organizations will give it a serious look:

  1. It's pretty cross-compatible with Windows 7. That means there should be less resistance to having a mixed 7/8 environment, so as new computers enter the organization pre-loaded with Win 8, there will be less reason to just blow them away and install Win 7.

  2. It uses less memory. Every indication is that Win8 will use just over half of the RAM Win7 uses to start up, which is a fundamental performance gain. That means users will be able to use more of their computers' memory for their applications.

  3. It's a win for tired users. Let's face it, our users aren't exactly in the best of moods, what with the economy, cutbacks, and so forth. Strategically deploying a shiny, new OS is a way to liven up their lives a bit.

  4. The new "reset and refresh” functionality should help meet a critical IT need, making it easier to wipe and restore systems back to a baseline state when needed. This could be a significant time-saver for IT.

This just refers to the client edition of Win 8; the Server operating system is a bit of a different situation and I'll write about that in an upcoming post. But regarding the client, what are your thoughts? Is Win8 something your organization will at least look at? Based on what you've seen so far, does it stand a chance in your organization?

Posted by Don Jones on 11/16/2011 at 1:14 PM


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