OpenOffice Splits the Oracle Scene

When Oracle bought Sun Microsystems it got a lot of stuff it wanted and a few things that were less desirable. Turns out OpenOffice is one of the latter (I guess Ellison figures free software won't do much to finance a new yacht).

The OpenOffice volunteers have gone independent, starting what they call The Document Foundation. OpenOffice (which is actually called will be renamed LibreOffice. 


Posted by Doug Barney on 09/29/20107 comments

ASP.NET Flaw Finally Fixed

For a while there was a flaw that impacted ASP.NET apps, letting hackers convince the apps to give up information that is not in its best interest -- kinda like an Andy Sipowicz interrogation.

The good news is there is a fix that should solve the problem right away, a fix so important Microsoft couldn't wait two weeks for Patch Tuesday.

Still, Microsoft has had workarounds for some time, and, in fact, keeping these workarounds in place might be good practice for safety's sake.

Posted by Doug Barney on 09/29/20101 comments

A Minor Office Web Reboot

I'm not sure if Microsoft would have released its free Web versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint were it not for Google Apps, but I'm glad they did (and if I have to thank Google, I will).

These apps are reportedly in use by some 20 million people and now that they are available in a bunch more countries (such as Australia and Russia).

There are also a few tweaks, such as the ability to embed these apps in your Web site. This allows visitors to contribute content through Word and play with some models through Excel.


Posted by Doug Barney on 09/27/20100 comments

Microsoft Security Essentially More Free

For consumers, Microsoft Security Essentials, an antimalware tool, was free from the get go. The best thing is, unlike its predecessor OneCare, Security Essentials actually works, and from your reports, works pretty darn good.

Now the tool is free for small businesses as well -- provided you have ten or fewer clients. Of course, individuals at large shops are free to use it as well... It just can't be an official Microsoft-supported corporate standard.


Posted by Doug Barney on 09/27/20102 comments

Gartner in Cahoots?

Gartner loves to be on the leading edge -- inventing new terms, releasing feisty statements and generally acting like a know-it-all.

But here's the deal, I trust you far more than I trust Gartner, so I will present their latest hypothesis and see what you think.

Gartner coined the term 'IT debt' to refer to the dollar amount it would take to get all your applications up-to-date. The assumption is that older software leaves a shop vulnerable, which pushes you to be on the latest version -- or else (are you sure Microsoft didn't write this report?).


Posted by Doug Barney on 09/27/201017 comments

Doug's Mailbag: Constant Cloud, Changes in Communication

A reader discusses how important reliability, especially in the cloud, is in the workplace:

When thinking of the quality of something, 99.9 percent is pretty darn good -- until you apply it to IT Systems uptime. Obviously, if down time occurs during hours when nobody is working, then no big deal. But when does that ever happen?

My personal experience with service providers (back before the cloud) was they were never as concerned with my outage as I was, and they would sometimes even scold and threaten if you reported an issue more than once. I always hated the feeling of being beholden to these companies when my main goal was to increase the availability of the applications. I have long since invested in IT infrastructure and do not rely on outside hosting services any longer (other than applications that are regularly accessed by the public.

I do my best to keep my systems operational at all times, which does include down time for maintenance -- which is down time when I pick it. Obviously, I still rely on two critical service providers: an ISP and electricity. We currently have chosen to go with one service provider for our ISP, willing to risk the consequences if there is an outage. Just last week, we had a rare one. There was interruption to service for some workers, but many more continued to work with critical applications as if nothing was amiss. This would not have been possible with a cloud provider.

To be honest, since I have brought one of our most prominent applications in house -- e-mail -- I don't know if it would be possible to go back to a 99.9 percent SLA. My clients are much too spoiled now.

I continue to evaluate cloud services (e-mail is a big one for me) but then I see a two-hour down time and wonder what the C-level guys would think of IT if we had that. The last time we had a two-hour outage on e-mail was over four years ago when our co-located server bit the dust. Obviously, changes were demanded to avoid such an occurrence again.


Posted by Doug Barney on 09/24/20100 comments

Unbelievable Cloud Numbers

Market research is almost always imprecise, but in the case of the cloud market, it is darn near ridiculous. A little while ago I looked into this due to the fact that the cloud constitutes more and more of our everyday coverage. Here's what I found:

- IDC sees a huge growth for this market, some "six times the rate of IT spending between now and 2013. In 2009, approximately $17 billion was spent on cloud-related technologies, hardware and software. By 2013, that spending is expected to grow to $45 billion." In two years, cloud spending could account for 25 percent of IT spending growth.


Posted by Doug Barney on 09/24/20103 comments

Microsoft: Don't Move to IE 9, Yet

Microsoft usually wants its customers to upgrade to its latest and greatest, but in the case of Windows 7 users and IE, Redmond would prefer you stay with the tried and true IE 8 rather than the beta of IE 9 -- at least for now.

But Redmond also doesn't want you to hold off on upgrading to Windows 7 just for IE 9; instead of migrating concurrently, Redmond is asking you to go ahead and migrate to Windows 7 and run IE 8. The idea here is that IE 8 and 9 are largely compatible, so there's no need to wait.


Posted by Doug Barney on 09/24/20103 comments

Doug Needs Help

My best articles are based on you, the Redmond Report reader, and your input. I'm interested in two things: The first has to do with the cloud, whether it Azure, Google, Amazon, what have you. I want real-world stories of cloud apps, custom built or otherwise. If you care to discuss, send a note to [email protected].

Next up is IE 9. Have you downloaded the beta? For those that answer yes, contact me at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 09/22/20106 comments

ASP.NET Has Encryption Flaw

If you run ASP.NET-based forms, you may want to be aware of a flaw that could let hackers steal passwords.

The flaw involves the Public Key Encryption (PKI) and covers virtually all current versions of Windows.

Fortunately, there is a workaround or two that can be found in Kurt Mackie's fine article here.

Posted by Doug Barney on 09/22/20100 comments

Microsoft Security Non-Essentials

Some clever dirtbag hacker scum built scareware that pretends to be an alert from Microsoft Security Essentials. And given that Essentials is free and apparently pretty good, lots of folks could fall for this.

So who publicized this exploit? Microsoft? Try again. Symantec took this honor.

The malware pops up a warning of an unknown Trojan, and after clicking, offers to clean your machine. Big mistake.

Posted by Doug Barney on 09/22/20100 comments

Windows Server To the Max

It may seem odd to launch a 2008 product in the year 2010, but that's what happens with a Release 2. In this case, Microsoft hit the Big Apple to debut Windows HPC Server 2008 R2.

The server is designed for data-intensive apps such as large databases and data mining. This baby can now handle more than 1,000 nodes, which is four times more than its predecessor.


Posted by Doug Barney on 09/22/20100 comments

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