Here's a cool twist: Microsoft is arguing that Google, with its
purchase of DoubleClick
, will have too much monopoly power. Not only that,
but Google may simply know too much about our private lives,
boys from Redmond argue
Of course, Microsoft wanted this monopoly power and the ability to know too
much about our private lives, too, as it was also bidding for DoubleClick. Sour
grapes? Perhaps.
Posted by Doug Barney on 04/17/20070 comments
Microsoft dialed into the National Association of Broadcasters convention in
Las Vegas and
off Silverlight
, a new tool for building rich interactive Web apps and for
running TV-quality video in a browser.
The widespread perception is that Microsoft is way behind Google and other
competitors when it comes to Web apps and Software as a Service. But as one
of the founders of Redmond Developer News
magazine, which covers Microsoft's
development tools, I'm not so sure.
Posted by Doug Barney on 04/17/20070 comments
Microsoft Word can't win for losing these days. First, it has critics like
me who, after two decades, still can't figure out how to use the software properly.
But more problematic are the holes that security experts keep finding. In April
alone, a handful of vulnerabilities were found for Word, including
a big one for Word 2007, the latest and greatest in a long line of Microsoft
word processors.
Posted by Doug Barney on 04/16/20070 comments
I just saved $2,000. I was all set to buy a Mac laptop as soon as Leopard, the
new OS, shipped this spring. Fortunately for my bank account,
is being pushed back to this fall
. It seems that Leopard developers are
being switched over to the iPhone project so that it can stay on track to ship
in June.
I wouldn't mind an iPhone, but $500 is a mite steep. What about you? Will you
be lining up come June to pick up one of these little beauties? Let me know
Posted by Doug Barney on 04/16/20070 comments
The great thing about my kids having Macs is not having to rebuild the darn
things every six months because their machines have more viruses than The Andromeda
Strain. The bad part? Having to drive an hour to get a new iBook power supply!
This trip did help me get close to my son and do a little market research.
According to my salesguy, the Mac TV commercials have increased business, as
have the new line of Intel-based gear.
The real surprise came when it came time to pay. The salesguy looked suspiciously
at my card when I refused to give my phone number, then looked again and asked,
"Didn't you use to be a computer journalist?"
Posted by Doug Barney on 04/05/20070 comments
I love the Bud Light "Real Men of Genius" commercials even more than
I love the beer. In fact, I can listen to a dozen or so of the commercials straight,
while I tap out after six cans of the beer.
My son Dave is also a fan, and just let me know about a bunch of PC-related
parodies. They aren't quite as good as the real thing, but "Mr. Giant E-Mail
Attachment Sender" is pretty dang funny.
Listen to them
Posted by Doug Barney on 04/05/20070 comments
The European Union is so tough on monopolies, it'd probably like to ban the
board game, if it could.
Now, Apple
is feeling the EU's fury as iTunes is being looked into for limiting competition.
At issue is the fact that an English music lover can download songs only in
But in Europe, people travel a lot; English soccer hooligans go to Germany
for strong beer and high-quality fist fights, and the Germans go to the French
Alps to watch their riders lose in the Tour de France.
Posted by Doug Barney on 04/05/20070 comments
In the rush to embrace Web 2.0-style apps and development, some have turned
a blind eye to a problem Microsoft knows all too well: security. For instance,
did you know AJAX apps can be taken over by hackers just as Windows and IE apps
can "hijack" the JavaScript and read what's written inside the
JavaScript messages. Google and Microsoft AJAX tools are both affected.
Posted by Doug Barney on 04/05/20070 comments
I used to spend eight to 10 hours a day writing and thinking about networking
technology (God only knows how I stayed sane) as executive editor of
and then editor in chief of
Network Computing
This experience allowed me to bluff my way through a meeting with StillSecure,
which has a new network platform that is entirely open source. While focusing
on security and unified threat management, the Java-based Cobia platform includes
a veritable smorgasbord of functions, such as routing, firewalls, virtual private
networking, DNS and WiFi.
Posted by Doug Barney on 04/05/20070 comments
Redmond Channel Partner
magazine, written for Microsoft resellers (some
partners consider this word a slur but they do, in fact, resell software), has
a newsletter written by Lee Pender. I love Lee's stuff, except when it sinks
in how much better his is than mine!
Recently, Lee tackled
Google, asking if Google knows too much about us and is using this information
Posted by Doug Barney on 04/04/20070 comments
This weekend, I took my son Nick to
Blades of Glory
, the new comedy starting
Will Ferrell and Napoleon Dynamite. It's a great film, once again proving the
fancy critics with large vocabularies wrong (for comedies, my family only goes
to movies that critics have utterly panned, like
Dude, Where's My Car?
I'm not here to tell you how to spend your $12. I'm here to tell you that the
stars of this movie included the Web as part of their press junket just as much
as "Good Morning America" and "Live With Regis and Kelly."
Posted by Doug Barney on 04/04/20070 comments