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Windows 8 Failing To Excite Business

Windows 8 is as big of a question mark as predicting next year's Superbowl winner. I've gotten feedback from close to 100 Redmond Report readers and the reviews are decidedly mixed. It's like that biker with love and hate tattooed across both sets of knuckles. Michael Miller, whom I worked with when he was editor-in-chief of InfoWorld, found much the same thing.

A survey by Forrester also backs both our anecdotal findings.

Past Windows upgrades, with the exception of Vista, were no brainers -- the only question was how long it would take.

Windows 8 is different because, well Windows 8 is very different and very disruptive. And that gives business great pause, making the adoption slow, Forrester believes.

Forrester surveyed users prior to Windows 7 release and found about half at that time planned to upgrade. This time around less than a quarter have that affection for Windows 8.

There are two areas of confusion: First, Win 8 has the two interfaces, the tablet look and feel and old-style Windows. And there are two sets of hardware: Intel and ARM.

Another problem is that many shops are still moving from XP to the tried-and-true Windows 7.

What are your Windows 8 plans? Share with all of us by writing [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 11/28/2012 at 1:19 PM


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