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Doug's Mailbag: Windows Phone 8

Here are some of your thoughts on Microsoft's upcoming mobile OS:

I hope that the Win 8 phones that are released make Sprint and Verizon carry more options. If they do not, I might have to consider dropping Sprint and go with AT&T or another provider that has a good Win 8 phone selection. I am really hoping that Sprint gets one of the Nokia Win 8 phone (like the Lumina 900).
-'80s Rocker

When I heard of the shared kernel, I immediately thought that Microsoft's MinWin efforts finally paid off. MinWin is more than just the kernel. It's the minimum set of files to make a functional, bootable Windows OS (sans a GUI). Last I heard it was around 25 MB in size and required 40 MB of RAM. Microsoft haters weaned on an endless diet of Microsoft 'bloat' sneers won't get how they can make Windows Phone 8 work. My problem is the opposite direction. The latest MinWin OS with Metro slapped on top and a stripped Windows 7 UI bolted on is not very satisfying on a PC.

I've been waiting for Verizon to get a phone like the Lumia 900 to dump my Droid X. I guess the forced wait was worth it. I'll now get one of the new Windows Phone 8 models.

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Posted by Doug Barney on 06/29/2012 at 1:19 PM


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