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Microsoft Market Grows, Marketers Shrink

Microsoft is a marketing machine. In fact, it is so powerful it thinks it can make do with fewer cylinders. This 12-cylinder beast won't exactly turn into a four-cylinder Pinto. Instead, a small number of jobs will be jettisoned as the company tries to simplify its organization.

You might be tempted to think that all this talk about simplification is just PR double-talk (and maybe it is). But a company as large as Microsoft surely has more useless layers than a Kim Kardashian wedding cake. My guess? Microsoft marketing won't skip a beat.

So far it doesn't seem that more than the 200 or so employees rumored to be let go are involved.

My high hopes aside, it is still sad in the economy to see anyone lose a job. Thank goodness it still has around 90,000 workers to pitch in.

Posted by Doug Barney on 02/08/2012 at 1:19 PM


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