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Doug's Mailbag: Google's Ominous Eye

Looks like readers didn't like the news of Google's enhanced snooping policy. Here's some responses:

I agree that this is an invasion of privacy. While I am concerned with Google having this information, my main concern is more about how well will they be able to protect the information that they collect. Google should be held financially accountable for any Personally Identifiable Information that they allow to be compromised. I guess it's time for me to start using a different search engine.

Well, one has to remember Google has never been free and does come at a price (your info). As Lifehacker stated "If You’re Not Paying for It; You’re the Product". It still creeps me out though and I feel I should have an option to opt out of some things. Maybe if Google offered an ad-free paid subscription for it's services, then maybe one could Opt Out.

It's a violation of my privacy - always has been and always will be. Kind of like the tracking cookies you are using on this site.

Total violation of privacy and, like JC, I'm more worried about the government or other third parties (legit or hacked) getting access to the data. Best to not put all your eggs in one basket. Use YouTube, Bing, Yahoo email and get a Blackberry phone. That way, nobody can put all of your info into one file.

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Posted on 02/01/2012 at 1:19 PM


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