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Doug's Mailbag: Windows Phone 7 Devices

Readers discuss the next batch of Windows Phone 7 smartphones and share what they would like to see in upcoming models:

I have the HTC Titan (not the Titan II that was announced at CES) and love it. From what I have read it is about the same size. I have the same 4.7-inch display, processer, RAM and storage. The main enhancements to the Titan II are LTE, the 16-megapixel rear camera, and the larger battery to support the LTE.   

Even though the large-size screen seems "unsightly no matter which pocket you put it in," it is actually quite pocketable! In a front trouser pocket it is practically unnoticeable, and a better fit than my old HTC Tilt 2 which had a much smaller screen. The secret to its comfort is its slim design. It even rides comfortably in my dress-shirt pocket! I was concerned about the size before I tried it, but absolutely LOVE the large display when browsing the Web or watching a video. It is also nice for reading e-mails and news. It even works well outdoors in sunlight.

Windows 7.5 Mango is awesome on the phone, but my main reason for writing was to dispute your assertion that the Titan was too big to pocket. 

I'd like to know when someone other than AT&T will get a decent Windows Phone 7 device. I keep having this conversation with multiple people who, like me, think that a WP7 phone would be great with carriers other than AT&T -- and options on those carriers are distinctly lacking. Microsoft is going to continue to see a lag of WP7 users if options don't become available in the U.S. I would hope that doesn't happen, especially after attending WPC and seeing WP7's potential, but I know I won't switch carriers for a device -- and most other people won't (or can't) either. Here's hoping there's much more WP7 device news in the near future.

I'm happy to report that I'll be switching from AT&T to Sprint as soon as the Lumai 900 arrives. I say enough is enough. I love WP7, and Verizon and Sprint always lag behind AT&T when it comes to new WP7 phones.

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Posted by Doug Barney on 01/25/2012 at 1:19 PM


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