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Doug's Mailbag: Sharing Some Microsoft Hate

Readers share what they dislike about Redmond and its products:

In a word or two, Office 2010 stinks. I hate the new Access (I call it Cesspool), I hate the new Excel (I call it Xhell) and I hate the new Word (I call it Weird).

It is mostly the user interface, especially as it is in Access. It takes me longer to do my work because I'm constantly trying to figure out how to do the simplest of tasks. There may be a few things that are actually better, but the lousy ribbonized 'cute and purtty' new interface ruins the entire thing for me. Especially the new interface for working with Access macros, the new interface for working with Objects, etc. It's just bad, all bad.

Why do I hate Microsoft? Simple – it makes the worst OS in the industry -- except for all the others...;)

I must admit I really hate the auto updates for Windows -- especially when you have to re-build your machine and download the updates again. I would prefer to have access to the updates in a particular drive where they could be archived for future use -- in case of a complete OS re-build. It can't be that hard, can it?
In our org we set up a WSUS server which houses all the updates for Windows, Office etc. So when we rebuild, we can retrieve updates from our local 'Net. Of course the updates still need to be applied; the computers just don't need to download them from Microsoft. To further help speed things up, we try to also keep current images of our OSes on hand and update them every so often (usually every two to three months). But yeah, it's a pain in the neck. Maybe more frequent service pack releases or cumulative updates would be helpful.

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Posted by Doug Barney on 01/27/2012 at 1:19 PM


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