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Lync Selling Well

A few months back I interviewed about a dozen loyal Redmond Report readers about Microsoft Unified Communications. UC has never been a full cog in the Microsoft hype machines, so I didn't figure it would be that impressive. Turns out it has far more fans than I realized. Many considered this a transformative technology with much more impact than a standard OS upgrade. You actually helped me write a pretty cool story.

The underground UC fan club is propelling Lync (the latest version of the core Microsoft UC tool) to new sales heights. After a year's worth of sales, Lync is selling 25 percent faster than Office Communication Server 2007 R2 (which it replaced). And Lync has a far simpler name, albeit one that really doesn't make any kind of sense. In fact, Lync isn't even a real word.

Lync really represents the maturing of Redmond's UC efforts. That and the tight integration with Office are helping convince IT and old-school telephony types to give UC a whirl. And more and more often they like what they see.

Have you moved towards UC? Tell us all about it at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 12/05/2011 at 1:18 PM


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