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Controlling Cyber Crime

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is offering IT pros guidance on how to measure and map cyber threats.

Huge organizations often have disciplined staffs and procedures, along with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of software and gear.

We are not all so lucky. In fact, most shops pretty much guess or rely on their gut to keep criminals at bay. In these days of network complexity that just isn't good enough.

NIST replaces the haphazard with a clear model that maps the path that criminals might take to get through your network and its defenses. It then helps determine which of these entry points and links are most in danger of attack.

This kind of analysis can guide spending decisions and allow paying more to protect vulnerable and less on those difficult to crack.

Does network security lack discipline? Hit me up at [email protected] with your answer.

Posted by Doug Barney on 10/05/2011 at 1:18 PM


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