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Office 365 Goes South, Price Goes Down

Last week Office 365 want down for only three or so hours. But that is nearly half a work day (at least back when we all only worked eight hours). Microsoft feels Office 365 customers' pain and is kicking back 25 percent of the August bill.

That seems, on the surface, generous, but some simple math tells a different story. Small customers pay $72 a user per year. Divide by 12 and you get $6 a month. Twenty-five percent of that is a dollar and a half. Would you be happy saving $1.50 for having your users offline for 3 hours? If so, those workers need to be fired tout de suite.

What is your take? Does my fifth-grade math make sense or do your greater skills tell a different story? You tell me at [email protected].

Also, if you have cloud services, how did you adjust your WAN to handle the traffic and keep performance up? Answers to those also welcome at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 08/22/2011 at 1:18 PM


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